
lulz, tyrannosaurus rekt

You think if it comes to shooting the left stands a fighting chance?

As a long time VW enthusiast, I could not give you enough stars.

You are aware that your opinions only represent somewhere less than half the country, right?

Pretty much came here looking for comment this once I found out Thiel was involved in the story.

Or, you know, just utterly refuse to address it since he doesn’t owe it to you or anyone else to talk about it.

It’s just the endless incessant flow of the same articles through so many outlets.

Boy, good thing we knocked OSU out of competition for letting kids make money off their own signatures and Jerseys.

That’s a well thought out, eloquently articulated rebuttal - you must be a Hillary supporter.

The issue I have with this has less to do with Trump and more to do with common sense.

You know he doubled the debt and was the first president NOT to grow GDP by at least 3% along with failing miserably at like... every. single. other. financial indicator we have, right?

Seconded. Just bought a ‘17 GTI Sport after months of gnashing of teeth and driving things back to back to back.

“Over the past two years, Obama fended off accusations of weakness regarding his response to Russian aggression”

Let me guess - he’s also going to take away social security from old people?

“God, how fucking stupid are these people that believe anything he says??”

Did the Trumpster use a teleprompter? I didn’t watch it?

Seems what happened here is that Julio and the other Falcons lit Sherman’s shitty, illegal play on fire and stomped on it, and Pete needed an excuse to make sure Sherman didn’t feel bad.

Let me just play devil’s advocate for you, since, I did LEO work for 10 years and had these calls weekly, working in a predominantly white area.

I know, right.

The place sucks, like, really, it’s not good.