Pope Karisuma

Here we go, dead spin. Here we go. Here we go, dead spin. Here we go!

I found the question valid, and her response a bit overkill. I can only imagine the shit storm if these had been about Disney princesses. Just saying that I wish dead spin had the princess version of this posted just to see the reactions offered up in the comments section from both typical dead spin visitors and

"that was way harsh, Tai."

aww really? Cage has always been my favorite fighter in the MK series. If used properly one can keep their opponent at a distance suitable to their needs or up close for some really great combos. Hopefully his daughter plays in a similar fashion.


I thought for sure Owen Hart would be in this year. Didn't WWE clear everything up with his widow? I feel like I read that somewhere not too long ago. Was hoping his match with Bret at WM10 would be included in the WM mode. It sucks even more since we finally get Yokozuna in a new game other than Legends of WM a few

I completely agree with this. Well said.

Awesomely done izzard ref.

The same thing happened to me. I was pissed when this popped up on my ps3. I'd much rather have the continuous play for tv shows. I only dealt with max 3 or 4 times before I started to ignore him like that cousin that always needs a favor. Just let me binge on my favorite tv shows. My tastes jump around too often for

Edit* for some reason the rest of my comment got wished to the corn field

I normally try to avoid getting too hyped for games but I've been looking forward to this since the debut trailer. I don't know if the sales are gonna be massive but if the game is half as interesting as the trailers make it seem we could have a really great franchise to look forward to for a while. My main internal

Exactly. Maybe not the best but a bit nonetheless. Hopefully none of this coverage gets brought up to him. I fear this will be another rehashed tirade like the Jesus/carpenter joke from the back of his book. I like carolla when he's being a comedy factory and not a warehouse of the same 7 topics reworded every other

Done and done. Seems like a fair request if you ask me!