Solid upgrade for $20.
Solid upgrade for $20.
A quick search reveals that the chicken leg scene is pretty ballsy.
Thanks for that!
Free Xbox only through the MS Store.
Nothing.... Nothing at all...
I don't care what anyone thinks, Andy Sandburg made SNL worth watching again... but it's going downhill again, and he SHOULD bail while he can.
I don't see MODOK showing up anytime soon, but I do see AIM being to Iron Man 3 what Hammer was to Iron Man 2, but more on the organization level of SHIELD than Hammer was (being just a contractor), especially with how they center around the Cosmic Cube/Tesseract — that puts them at direct odds with Stark, Corp and…
In 2043, Apple introduces "The New iPad", but all of the tech blogs still call it the iPad 33.
I figured that this will last for at least a year, even after the Retail version comes out...
IIRC, You can't rent directly from the app. You'll need to rent or buy on a PC first, then play on Xbox.
Which is still not REALLY the same thing as "smaller screen[s]". If you've ever seen the SDK, iPhones still report the resolution as 480 x 320 on some apps (like webpages) but render text and vector graphics at 960 x 640.
Every iPhone to date is a 3.5 inch screen, and every iPhone currently available to purchase is compatible with the latest iOS.
Follow the link to the whole list...
They didn't. Look at the whole list.
1 & 2 were the same generation. iPhone 3 was called iPhone 3G, so.... sixth-generation is correct
Not quite sure what the video has to do with the article...
I agree with zidarko, a good router makes all the difference. Sometimes cheaping out on a router leads to less-than-optimal performance, so when it comes to networking, I try to invest a bit. A top-of-the-line Buffalo may not be necessary, but a $15 netgear or d-link may not be good enough.
And I had so much hope for this season...
Hold on
I don't think it would be THAT bad. The framework for iOS isn't as rigid as it's made out to be.