
Sheeeeeeeeeeeee wasn’t involved in that. Get it through your thick skull.

Gamergate isn’t targeting men dickhead.

That didn’t happen with the pose. Please understand the topic before you talk about it.

“Harassing” apparently means having an opinion.

Are you genuinely that fucking stupid? She wasn’t involved with any of that and even wanted it in the game.

So in their quest to defend a breast slider on a thirteen year old character, they labeled her a pedophile.

Machinarium was brilliant but I found myself needing a guide halfway through. Botanicula I thought was better in every possible way, but I can’t decide if it’s because the puzzles were more intuitive or because they were simply easier.

a) The original poster never called for Blizzard to remove the pose, just that they consider their own stated goals moving forward.

How is a pose getting removed from a game in beta you getting “fucked”?

That last bit was touched on in the post as well. Everything goes through multiple filters in the form of departments and department heads. It’s why things in video games are under more scrutiny - there should be more attention paid to smaller details.

Where was she identified as a woman?

Good for them.

Once you remove your head from your ass, you’ll notice that the person who original made the post never asked Blizzard to remove the pose.

They don’t cry censor of stuff they don’t like. It’s very much a one way street.

That’s the sort of statement that should make you reflect on why you think the way you do.

What specifically do you disagree with? The person who originally posted their thoughts was able to flesh them out pretty well. I don’t see anyone else doing the same.

Other people can see your victory pose.

They’re also both conservatives.

Sort of like how the dumb kids in class sat at the back and never raised their hand?

I can’t hear or read her name without thinking of Frankie Boyle’s jokes about her funeral. “The first one where the 21 gun salute shoots the coffin to make sure she’s finally dead."