
Ha, ha, "in shifts".

Stanley was confronted by a ghost. He had seen the ghost before, time and time again. Stanley had long since lost his fear of the ghost and just wondered why he couldn't grab the keys by the front entrance and walk out of the house. Stanley stood there and pondered this for a moment and decided to reset the hallway

But seriously, I need one of those fancy economists who study the balance of harm and good to tell me that having the technology and the legal right to catch this woman by looking into her breasts, and criminalizing cocaine, are, on balance, better for the common good than letting that woman pass with a bunch of

i knew him as a comedic actor being in not another teen movie the the FF i thought of him as another Ryan Reynolds eye pleasing funny guy but a few years later he did push which was an amazing movie and i knew that he actually was a good actor so when Captain America came along i knew he was a solid choice.

Aw, you left out the best part of the story.

"In 2006, El Paso Independent School District met with the parents about an anonymous complaint that the children were not being educated. District attendance officer Mark Mendoza later confirmed that one of the daughters, Tori, had run away from home to "attend school," and

Men have no idea what tampons and pads cost and how deeply essential they are. There's a huge stigma about menstruation that makes a dude buying tampons for his usually overly emotional girlfriend into a tired TV comedy show trope. Women in poor countries either have nothing to bleed into it (and lose jobs and school

You'd think some of the money they save short changing women on salaries could go to free tampons for all.

So Deadpools movie hinges on the internet NOT spewing hatred?

Frozen was fluff, with a few good songs available on Youtube. My daughters loved it. I personally thought Tangled was better, but I wouldn't call Frozen a bad movie. For me it was meh.

Not the greatest, but the reason I love this movie is because he was all brains. He actually ran from fights. I think that's part of the reason it failed. He was a hero who didn't brandish a gun or beat people up.

I'm guessing that first guy's wife has a to-do list in her purse with LEAVE ASSHOLE written at the top in bold, underlined. He found it and got all pissy that she didn't write up the dinner party menu for the gala he's throwing first.

He goes "No, I KNOW what tempura is, what's THAT?"

"It's pains me now to say it... our lot".

I do hope whoever cast Mison got a huge raise. No one else can make these elaborately worded tirades sheer poetry like he can.

Oh THAT'S a snack. Ok this story makes sense now

They're just here to fuck shit up.