I know the shield will remind fans about Frank Miller's days but honestly.... looks more like BATFAT than anything else. They're going for the Frank Miller overall.
I know the shield will remind fans about Frank Miller's days but honestly.... looks more like BATFAT than anything else. They're going for the Frank Miller overall.
Wait a minute..!! There's a player named CONSTANZA on the Braves?! Poor Braves...
And to think that only ONE good thing came out of that Godzilla movie and its paraphernalia: "Heroes" cover by The Wallflowers.
At 5:46 the volcano goes off in 3, 2, 1.... No words!
Women invoke beauty at all times... even moreso when having an orgasm.
Metal Music seems like a lost art... :(
It's inappropriate for a mother to call this situation a "non-sexual" matter when it clearly has become sexual (a shirtless man sharing a bed with a girl) and sexist (a girl who clearly thinks she's just an object in the picture).
Damn it, GIFULMINATION.com, let the old fart on the right finish his "FUCK!" expression!!!!!!
Did LeBron said "bitch!" to Spoelstra/Allen at the end of dunk? What a bitch!
This short had me at Wade's reaction-surprise to Michelle. "Who's this crazy lady..?" If Bosh had also been featured, it'd have been the single, greatest accomplishment ever made with GIF.
Dom, you will be missed. Thanks for your contributions at Deadspin, which at this rate, is losing cast members faster than Saturday Night Live. God bless, dude!
Lion Tears!
All QB's in the pic throw the balls on the way for an INT. Only Johnny U fake-pumped and got the completion.
Rock those Socks, son!
+1 a million times
Obviously, this was filmed by Dad since he zoomed in to the cheerleaders' side to see if he could film some skin, and thus ruining the whole footage. Funny, because he also filmed the male cheerleaders' side, as if to compensate/excuse himself to Wifey.
My lifetime has seen some of the best figures in sports and for that I appreciate the opportunity: Jordan, Maradona, Messi, Gretzky, Ripken, Elway, Manning, Brady, Bolt, and the best closer of all time: Mariano Rivera. Thank you, Lord. I, indeed, have seen (some of) it all.
If he ditched all the swearing, this would.... oh, never mind!
Oh snap, I get it! So that's why you're always that tense...
+1....and the laughter has yet to stop.