I think the F-22 is very sexy indeed not sure why some think its ugly. The F-35 is ugly
Besides the ending i thought ME3 was an amazing game i loved the story throughout the campaign. I have never understood all the hate personally. The DLC really completes it as well.
My favourite Jet: The Avro Arrow
All i am going to say is GTA V had 325 people working on the game with a budget of $237 Million and it took them 4-5 years to complete the game. GTA V is much smaller then this game.
Was kinda hoping Jon would follow Han Solo’s character and be the ex imperial turned rouge smuggler like Solo was oh well.
Nuclear power if done right is fine. There are already reactors that are more efficient and feed off their own waste. The Sun is a gigantic nuclear reactor. If it works for the solar system....
If i used a mac i would not use Safari that’s for sure.
People often forget it took GTAV 6 years to make! Look how long it took them to port it over the PC as well? This game is much larger then GTAV! Well made games take time. I think CIG is doing fine and i think this game will be wonderful when its flushed out. But that will take some time. I have the patience for it.
Frankly i was very impressed with the (press) multicrew demo it really shows off what thus game is capable of doing.
we have these everywhere in Toronto I love em
Crappy music aside that video was very well made. It really flatters GTA V.
It has seen action unlike the F-35 as well…
reminded me of this
Its an air superiority weapon not a fighter bomber. Not many targets in the middle east for it to engage in that an F15/16/18 can’t handle on their own.
I am all for cutting down the scripted stuff.
Well they got 2/3 right
2/3 The Raptor is fine nothing wrong with it.