Yog-Sothoth is the Gate

Depending on the cutter, I imagine you could conceivably take the housing apart and wind up with a bare blade. Not as effective as a box cutter, admittedly, but still potentially dangerous.

Executive order 13526 WRITTEN BY OBAMA states that the president can share classified info with whomever he wants to. Because he is the head of the executive branch it is the right of the president to classify or declassify info as he sees fit.

I won’t be surprised.

I don’t know how to break this to you, but Hillary Clinton isn’t responsible for Trump’s actions.

Ah yes, Asatru, the second most popular religion amongst virulent white supremacists.

Hey, maybe he genuinely understands the problems of his past behavior and is looking to make honest amends.

Just the haircut one would expect.

I am sorry but one of the problems with the poor is watching too much TV

The breakout isn’t uniform across all local stations. The places that would be the hardest-hit are poor, rural areas, where as much as 40% of funding is federal.

I’m sorry, but you are wrong. PBS could not be done better in the private sector. Educational programming doesn’t need to be dictated by corporate marketing

I think maybe you should look into how public broadcast funding actually works before you make any more sweeping claims.

You are absolutely wrong, and if you don’t see why it’s important for PBS not to have to chase ratings to stay afloat, then you don’t see the value of it. It’s not a surprise that you think it is a waste.

What is your point? That because it barely costs us anything, we should stop paying for it at all? That doesn’t make any sense.

Oh shut the fuck up. The CPB receives .01% of the annual federal budget.

Super disappointed that he didn’t play some Mussorgsky or Rimsky-Korsakov.

For some reason hearing Trump describe himself as “a very active President with lots of things happening” makes me think of the way that people describe retirement home residents.

How does one catch spider smugglers? Do they have spider-sniffing dogs at the airport?

You people all need to watch more wildlife documentaries.

Yeah but who needs that when eating all of the avocado will also prevent it from turning brown.


I mean, who doesn’t like to go sexual, every now and then?