Yog-Sothoth is the Gate

Came here to say this.

That being said you are a total fucking moron if you think it is ok for the media to just use a photo like this because it was furnished by the family. It is not at all a factually accurate depiction of the victim.

Fucking hell man, good thing you were here to make sure that no one felt too much sympathy for this murdered 15-year-old.

Instead of a speaking conch, they have an empty bottle of jagermeister.

He doesn’t care. He doesn’t consume information that way

It isn’t.

While the angels, all pallid and wan,
Uprising, unveiling, affirm 
That the play is the tragedy “Man,”
And its hero, Copyright Law

This world.

Pretty sure that when the Roanoke colony vanished, all that was found were some graves and the word “Crotilla” carved into a tree.

Also, there are 202 words in the article above. 202 x 3 which symbolizes the holy trinity = 606.

If you look at the URL for this post, there’s a string of numbers at the end:

Students at that age really aren’t prepared to tell the difference between what is history and what is religious conviction.

Watching Trump’s presidency is like watching an after school special about the dangers of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

This was clearly the scariest story from Scary Stories. Fuck you, Harold.

I did read the rest of your comment, and I agree that there is no justification for capital gains taxes to be as low as they are, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to point out that the reasoning of the other side of the argument is nonsense. The people in this country who benefit from the way we mollycoddle the

It’s income from risking your savings to help others generate work and jobs.

“If they tell us, however, that they recognize that President Trump won an election, and he should get some of his priorities funded for that reason, elections have consequences, as folks who win always like to say.”

Clearly, we cannot say that all of Trump’s voters are virulent racists or members of the KKK. But that’s not really as comforting as it might seem at first. What Trump voters unarguably are, are comfortable with electing an apparent racist and sexist who was enthusiastically endorsed by the KKK and other white

is Mother the only one who can handle his vigorous Indianite sexing?