Okay, but what you actually said was that you thought people voted for him because liberals are obnoxious.
Okay, but what you actually said was that you thought people voted for him because liberals are obnoxious.
I’d submit that part of the reason moderates voted for him - and he won white women outright, which is amazing - is because Liberals like yourself are so obnoxious to everyone but other liberals.
I was irritated when you land on I think Havarl, and see all the flying lobster animals, and someone says “you won’t see that back home”. As though to say - this is Andromeda, things are going to get REALLY alien.
Not just because there’s nothing about another galaxy that means life will evolve in particularly alien…
Thankfully, we live in a society that is sane enough to realize that there is a difference between the life of a private citizen and the operation of a business. We even tell some business owners how they have to run their business! Imagine that!
America: where you might be able to convince someone to pretend that they respect you as a human being if you threaten to take away basketball.
I thought of this bit
“I’ll save you from the brown people so that you’ll be alive for us to continue to hate you.”
This is a nice object lesson on the difference between scientific “authority” and scientific expertise.
Not exclusively literally. Any person should feel perfectly free to voice their opinion on any video game developed or published by any company for whatever fucking reason they want.
Arguing that someone shouldn’t be critical of the writing in a game is just as silly as arguing that someone shouldn’t be critical of…
Every person has a right to criticize any game developer for any reason. At least here in the United States, our government recognizes our inalienable right to free speech, which encourages the unrestrained exchange of ideas.
Claiming that someone doesn’t have the right to criticize a game developer for any reason is…
You have no right to criticize game developers for creating what THEY want.
The bald eagle?
Maritime Augmented Guidance with Integrated Controls for Carrier Approach and Recovery Precision Enabling Technologies, or “MAGIC CARPET” for short. (They must have really wanted to use that acronym.)
I was really hoping that this would be the game where Bioware decided that we didn’t have to play as a human, either.
Whole new galaxy! Narrative freedom!
j/k play as Shepard but wear blue and white instead of black and red, this time.
Maybe they thought no one would bother trying to romance a cast of characters that all seem to be suffering from some sort of allergic reaction that’s made their faces all swollen and puffy.
“Anyone who expresses criticism of a video game is an entitled ass.” -shadowman
Nuclear power is definitely better in terms of impacts to climate, but I think we should also keep in mind that it has forced us to consider possible ways to communicate the danger of nuclear waste to hypothetical civilizations that may exist 10,000 years in the future.
And people think Jesus was special.
“The purpose of our elementary schools is to teach writing, reading and arithmetic, not to encourage boys to wear dresses,” Tami Fitzgerald of the North Carolina Values Coalition said Tuesday.