To recycle an old Gawker meme, "all of them."
To recycle an old Gawker meme, "all of them."
This reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield's old joke: "I went to the fights the other night; a hockey game broke out in the stands!" No respect, I tell ya....
I would very much like for Ms. Oates to explain to me how Sterling has been "criminalized." I don't recall any prosecutions or arrests being involved. And who the hell is defending his indefensible behavior? Oh, right, a novelist who is old and out of touch, just like Mr. S. That goes double for the rest of the rabble…
Re: city names for professional sports teams; I seem to recall that it has to do with some tax advantage. Hence, the unwieldy "Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim." Or I may have just been drunk....
If only wishing made it so....
"Mongo only pawn in game of life."
"Two men enter, no one leaves!" Now, I'd pay good money to see that fight. Throw in Batali to referee...and Gwyneth as the "ring girl." It would truly be a critical mass of douchery and pretension.
I'd like to get some input from Lupe, the chambermaid; she's an expert on "tucking," from what I understand. I also regret not tipping her....
From the linked article: "To max out the Mac CPU we'll use the command line tool called "yes", which basically does nothing except repeat the word "yes" at such speed that it consumes all available processor resources. Generally speaking, each instances of "yes" will max out a single thread on a single CPU core.…
Big thumbs up on the Ozium suggestion; that stuff rocks!
I will refuse to acknowledge that this review exists until Mike Fahey has given his counterpoint. You did make me laugh a couple of times, though..."...a sweaty, vinegary air reminiscent of a Greyhound bus or the foot-wash station at a city beach..." Poetry, I tells ya!
Discount, discontinue...tomato, tomahto, dear boy! Meantime, how much of a discount do you think they were offering? Only $10 for a warm tub o'Miller Light? Gimme two!
I have to side with Jones on this one. Purchasing a ticket to watch an athletic event in no way makes you eligible to go on the field. End. Of. Story. Drunk or not, son, you goin' to spend the night in Yankee jail. (I would prefer a short stay on Rikers Island, tbh.) Kicking the offenders with metal spikes? That's…
It's give free REIN!!! NOT REIGN!! Please, America is getting more stupid by the minute. You're not're forgiven if you simply repeated another publications' mistake, sort of. On the other hand, I greatly enjoy these recaps and pray that Camille will not lose her mind, going through this crap every week.…
"He is a loathsome, offensive brute, and yet I can't look away." Nah, I can look away, and hope to soon forget that this sociopath ever walked the Earth. Some sympathy to his family, but really, this didn't happen overnight. I dare say Mommy and Daddy were a bit too hands-off in their childraising, but I wouldn't want…
Not as much as it would have cost him if he had stayed in school...but I must agree, a dick move by Big Jim. I am surprised....not.
His idea of "the Jesus" is this guy. Explains a lot...that creep can sure roll!
Oh wow, more mysogynistic bullshit from an anonymous coward. Don't you have lacrosse practice, bro? Also, too, fuck off, troll.
Would you kindly explain to me exactly who these "good solid people" ARE on the GOP side? The ones like the odious "Doctor" Broun? Or perhaps pinheads like Grassley and Lamar Alexander? No, the entire party has gone batshit crazy, and everybody lines up behind Boehner and Cantor in the House, and Turtle McConnell in…
It was however used by some U.S. Forces as a perjorative during the Korean War. Thank you for sharing the origin of the term, etymology fascinates me.