
Or maybe you’re not watching them play and judging them based on record and limited knowledge while I never miss a game (on League Pass, I’m not from Philly)?

Heyyyy, Bobby. Can you do me a favor and change Kansas City, MI to Kansas City, MO? Can you do me another favor and have a great day despite some asshole calling you out on an honest mistake? Thanks, buddy!

Hey, the Sixers are finally playing good basketball! I mean, they’re still not winning, but at least it’s not hard to watch anymore.

Looks like Shameless finally got their Emmy.

Love Glover, but this dude should be Lando.

Commenter: “This is awesome. I hope he can enjoy it because from my anecdotal experience working with at-risk children, kids who spend hours avoiding going home may be doing so because home isn’t great. Either way, so happy for this kid and these employees!”

Nice to know “Drain the Swamp” just meant cutting out the middle man.

Can’t wait for an unbearable montage about how great the St. Louis Cardinals are.

“He’s a great music enthusiast.”

It’s SO far down within ABC’s popular shows on Hulu. Well behind the only other ABC show I watch - Fresh Off the Boat - which itself isn’t very high up.

Thought it might be Golden Glider since she has a thing for Cisco, but doesn’t seem to be her. Plus, that actress is starring in Frequency.

So do we now get to steal the narrative that they hate the troops?

And the travel isn’t nearly as bad as Nick Young’s 10-steps-without-dribbling game-winner.

I read somewhere that you’re actually supposed to roll for cover. I think it was CNN. I don’t know. Google it.

Not to mention Robinson would’ve had about 5-10 yards of separation on Austin for an 85-yard touchdown if he’d thrown the Go route instead of “locking on” to his first read.

Counterpoint: Imagine Del Toro jumping on the back of a speeder with Finn and Finn says “Don’t worry, I’ve got you!” and Del Toro/Hondo replies: “Great...I feel so safe.”

I don’t know. I agree with the “world isn’t black-and-white”ness of your statement, but entirely discounting oppressed people fighting for policy changes to lessen oppression is a pretty fucking idiotic worldview.

The site describes Del Toro as a “classic ‘Man in Black’” whose allegiances are apparently unclear to the heroes when he’s first met with possible ties to a casino-esque location spotted in filming earlier this year.

Do you even know what the president does?
Dictates the direction of the country. Sign bills into law.

Are you saying Embiid’s move wasn’t on par with Olajuwon’s? Or that you didn’t know the “Dream Shake” is an established thing from Hakeem Olajuwon?