
Hey, you know those really awkward nights where your SO and their friends are all getting together and so you sort of have to awkwardly get along with the SO's of your boyfriend's friends? Thinking about Ryan Reynolds, David Cross and Pete Cambpell having to do that is really cracking me up.

Amongst everything else, I adore him for saying that getting in shape for Guardians was hell on earth, he hated it, and the first thing he gave up on the diet regime was "happiness." I found it far more believable and refreshing then the celebs that go on and on about how much they love dry fish and three hour

me. Red Tabby, no collar or tags,spayed female, loud meow. You crazy cat lady with cheese flavored treats.

Hopefully the coach will be a little more specific in the future when he calls for the runs.

Isn't involuntarily shitting your pants a symptom of pretty significant head trauma associated with concussion-like symptoms? I read an article about how this is a thing football players taking huge hits to their head do (maybe even on deadspin itself). So while we can laugh at him for shitting himself, this may

Jeffrey Dahmer's mother loved him and supported him, and he was a serial killer that ate his victims and was building an altar out of their skulls.

I have been suicidal. My advisor and PhD program definitely drove me to depression and suicidal thoughts. I had never been suicidal or depressed before and I have never been after. Shity people CAN DEFINITELY cause depression and suicide.

As you say, it's not about them, so who cares what they deserve. Their child deserved a life though, and they're going to have to spend the rest of theirs knowing they essentially bullied her to suicide. Obviously and not surprisingly, they have not accepted that yet.

I can't muster any cares for them. I can't even bring myself to feel that they got what they deserved, because it's not about them at all and it's just too sad.

There's being a Christian, and there's being an Asshole. Her parents sound like Assholes.

I am never more enraged by religion then when I read stuff like this.

I hope her last words haunt her shitdick parents for the rest of their pathetic lives.

Judging by the Tumblr, she was a fan of Sailor Moon, feminism, and stockings with cats on them

Isha, I'm going to let you in on a secret. The two week break isn't for the kids. It's for the poor teachers who have to deal with those assholes for a living.

Don't let 'em kick puppies, and be little fucks; make 'em say 'please' and 'thank you so much.'


Hahaha. I totally read it that way, too. It is kinda flashy wrath. I like it. I hope all my wrath is flashy.

Two snaps to the guys who wrote this and a couple more for their flashy wreath.

Who are you wearing tonight?

Celebrity Edition!