
As someone who never bothered with HP, I did always wonder at this; is Quidditch actually workable as a game? I would not expect a fantasy story to come up with highly detailed and workable mechanics/rules over some fictional sport. Just from that description in the article it sounds more like “I’m going to write

Though DeSantis is spinning this as a win, it’s worth noting that unsurprisingly he’s lying about almost everything he says about the bill and it’s far more in Disney’s favor than he cares to admit. This bill cancels the bill passed last year that would’ve dissolved the special district entirely when it took effect

I wouldn’t worry too much, “high production value” and FNAF are not words that have ever gone together.

It’s a weird hill to die on because as already stated, it seems besides minor stirs here and there, Family Guy has somewhat oddly evaded anyone’s sights. Was there ever a big push to sideline it? The most I can remember is some people asking MacFarlane if he’d admit that the show had handled things in poor taste.

I’ve long suspected that King was what they were really after. Which only makes their past arguments about Nintendo and Sony seem irrelevant since neither can be said to be major players in the mobile market aside from maybe Pokemon Go or something.

Genuinely shocked that this actually ended up becoming a thing. The Vitality Sensor shall yet rise!

For sure, it made perfect sense and wasn’t immersion breaking, I just always get a kick out of when say, you have that Target logo where vines are growing around but not over it lol. As ad placements go, it’s about as inoffensive as possible.

I’ve been looking forward to this episode and it did not disappoint, they nailed the understated nature of their romantic feelings where it was both obvious but fairly subdued as you would expect from their age.

All I could think about was The Expanse lol.

Feels like a pretty cynical way to look at things and a pretty big reach. I mean it’s obvious to anyone that “The Turning” is not just a random fighting game and very specifically meant to be alternate Mortal Kombat of some variety. So of course they would use it for real if they had the chance.

The True Story For God’s Glory

Given Nintendo’s penchant for conflict avoidance, I’d guess it’s more to keep trolls from making their name something like “CovidisFake” or what not.

“I’m going to go around saying all Hispanics are thieves. Now I’m going to pass a law saying stores must ban anyone who looks like a shoplifter or else lose their business license. Oh gee turns out everyone getting banned is Hispanic because lots of people think they’re all thieves for some reason. This isn’t a

Yes that was the shooter’s online handle. And Salvador is a decently common name as well as location so it’d be unreasonable to ban that.

The war stuff is hard to hold against them so long as they aren’t endorsing it, since who knows what kind of fear they may have of speaking more forcefully. Even if they weren’t beholden to their funders, and aren’t in Russia themselves, they could have relatives or friends they are afraid for. Doesn’t mean you should

Sony can spend all its energy trying to block this deal, which will reduce competition and slow the evolution of the market.

I’m going to presume this comment section will be a mess as every AI story is so I’m just here to say:

Sure, nothing wrong with it, I’m just saying this sort of generational growth being reflected in media comes in waves, so the author of the article feeling like this is “simultaneous” isn’t wrong, it’s just also something that happens to every crop of creatives.

I mean, it’s the same in the comics isn’t it? But speaking specifically to this all seeming to be happening around the same time: I’d suspect that, much like in videogames, the “daddening” is occuring where a lot of one generation of creators now have children that have reached adolescence and their worries or musings