
This is actually the first time I learned that PSVR2 has haptic feedback on the headset which sounds awful.

The GameStop in my area often only has one employee and the answer to all your questions is: No one. I walked in a couple months ago and the employee was on the phone answering questions. Despite there only being a line of 1 it still took like twenty minutes to get out of there because they couldn’t get off to check

I’ll need some more time with it but I feel like Ashika Island might actually be too small for DMZ? Even though there’s only six teams at most, within 10 minutes it feels like the AI is calling in so many reinforcements all over the island that it’s just completely overrun.

“[These people] can tap their friends or their networks to come in and do that manual work, [which] is democratized by the replacement of human labor by AI art.”

Perhaps they have business on the brain, where winding up is a term to refer to the process of shutting down and liquidation. Sounds weird in this context though.

I understood that characters were going to be locked in the full release since it’s a F2P and they really want you to buy, but I didn’t anticipate how much it would kill my interest since I was having a lot of fun with the Beta. I know lots of people just pick a main to be good at in games like this but for me as a

Did they ever add more than 5 stages?

Honestly I’ve never really understood what the big draw of TDM is. In every shooter I’ve ever played I pretty much avoid it if at all possible because it just feels totally aimless.

That pikachu costume is so good

I mean, yeah. It was always weird that Spencer claimed otherwise, which I always assumed was some sort of strange attempt at wooing developers onto the service. But like any free game service the deal is they pay the devs some amount to make up for the lost direct sales. The presumption that it’ll eat into sales is

God I hope a full version shows up in the credits

The extension and changes to Ellie and Sam’s conversation and her attempt to cure him are very good and add interesting dimensions in regards to the framing of uh, future developments. The show makes it clear, clearer than the game I think (though it’s been a long time since I played), that she really wants to help

Because at least some of them recognize how bad that all looks to normal people and think that if they just get a photo op of them visiting a Jewish Deli or something that they’ll be able to say “See we’re tolerant and diverse, we accept everyone, which just so happens to include Nazis.

Would love to know the in lore reason for why these girls exist. These gijinka gacha games always have explanations ranging from “Stop asking questions” to the most buckwild bizarre concepts. (Looking at you ‘isekai but for racehorses’ game)

Yeah exactly, and publishers aren’t going around using the sale of said books to say “Lovecraft was right actually.”


Wow this goes way further than I expected; effectively calling on them to undo the merger from years ago? Feels like it might be so strong so that they can negotiate down to what they really want.

He thought he was really clever for that one huh?

I definitely hope party control is not removed and is simply not prominent in the UI. Tactical mode never worked great in DA but being able to switch character control was always fun and key to strategizing.