@maximum_sarge: The wipers won't work as well as if it were a Volvo, that's for sure.
@maximum_sarge: The wipers won't work as well as if it were a Volvo, that's for sure.
@IN THE FACE!: I couldn't find a Targa...
Great story, and the mileage is really good. I've always liked these smaller cars, because they're reliable and serve their purpose better than most things can. To get 200K miles and still get 45 mpgs? Reminds me of the older-gen Insight. I've heard some people report getting 65-70 on the highway, which is ridiculous.…
@OA 5599: Ahem...I wish, but alas.
@SerialThriller: Hmm...I'm gonna work for a star on Gizmodo and Kotaku, and Ray has to retire sometime...
@BerylJahooby: True, but I just hate those constant generalizations. Yes, the kind of people that are buying most Priuses (The original Douchemobile) fit that stereotype, but an Accord Hybrid? I'd barely even heard of one, it seemed so bland it couldn't cause any damage. Of course, that's proven wrong in this…
The problem is that for whatever this is going to cost, there's a 911 that's faster, has (very small) seats in the back, and probably costs less. Be it the GT3 RS or just the standard Turbo, although in my opinion the GTS looks far better, for the kind of performance I'm paying for, I'd expect a bit more.
Now featuring Hummer-esque fuel economy as well. You get about 6 miles per baby seal.
I sincerely hope I can see that video.
@w1llk: I wish that were the case man...I really do. Because that's a pretty good movie too.
@Wolfy Kovac: Don't blame me, blame the internet.
@drift240: I only had four ring-sets to give away, and Sant'Agata began with an S, just like the same word in the actual quote. And Lamborghini makes quite a few nice cars.
@eggwich mcsandwich: The "German Cars reign Supreme, and there's no possible way that anything from any other country can match them. This 1996 Porsche 911 can outrun your American ZR1 and Japanese GT-R, and I would know because I'm really rich and can afford all of these" guy. Only dealt with one so far, but he was a…
@Jeb_Hoge: Which is exactly why a V6 with the Track Pack should be more than enough.
I just don't get this...EA is screwing us over.