
Guy Ritchie's movies always look stylish as hell. It's too bad that's as far as they usually get.

Some movies got "flop" written all over them.

1) If you didn't have a union, you'd almost certainly have shittier wages and working conditions.
2) If you can't afford to tip when you eat out, cook for your own self. There's no excuse for being a cheap-ass piece of shit.

Look, I know a lot of people are BSing about their MSG sensitivity, but I'm not. I'm celiac, and also have trouble with MSG and aspartame. Twice, I ended up in misery and pain for hours with muscle cramps running from the top of my head to my legs because a Chinese restaurant added MSG to the food after saying they

My parents ran a diner in the 50's while going to college. They had an annoying customer that came in everyday told everyone what was wrong with them, made rude sexist remarks to my mother and made a general nuisance out of himself. He always ordered the Chicken Fried Steak strips that were a special of the restaurant

Yeh, I went to Mexico for business a few years ago, and one of the guys from my office kept mixing up the exchange rate (embarrassing, since it was right at 10 pesos per dollar at the time — nice and easy to calculate). He accidentally ended up tipping extraordinarily well (like 100% well) for the two weeks we were

Please ask the following:

I was really enjoying getting to know you....Dave.

I mean this sincerely: there is no way to say the phrases "I will argue against the servers" and "think these servers need to suck it up," without being an AWFUL human being.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL I get paid to write for this website. u mad?

God, this makes me nuts. I am not a "pet parent."

I had a series of epic dog-poo piles left on my lawn one summer, so I (half-joking) posted a little sign that dogs are not welcome in my yard.

A neighbor accosted me, angrily, because her dog was insulted by the sign.


I'm not anti-gun. I grew up in a place with guns. I understand their utility. But the reason I've never bought one — besides the difficulty of getting a CHL license in New York — is that it's another thing someone can wrestle away from me and use against me. I just don't think it's a solution to the larger issue.

4chan is a horrible place, period.

I dealt with a stalker in high school. He wanted to date, I said no and he went batshit. Threats, showing up places I was, sending threats through other people, waiting outside my classes, telling people I was a slut, driving down my street-usual stalker stuff. My parents took me to the police, and while I was

I'm so sorry that happened to you, and not at all surprised by the police response.

This is the first time I've heard the phrase "opinion rape", and I immediately want that phrase to die.

I hate the fake-celiac sufferers as much as the next anonymous internet person, but asking someone to describe their disease before you take them seriously makes you an asshole. Do not do this.