
"Says," "allegations ," "accuses," and "claims" all share the same meaning in this context: nobody's been convicted of anything, so you have to acknowledge that in some way to avoid accusations of libel.

Why retire when she's doing what she loves, is physically fit enough to still do it at a high level, and can still make shitloads of money doing it?

A Benny Hill chase sequence in slow motion has done more for women than anything Piers has ever said. The man is the walking equivalent of strumming your finger over your lips while going "bubububuh".

Geese? Indifferent?! I think you mean 'actively malevolent'. Murderous little feathered fuckers.

Well, the biggest difference is that they're from entirely different species which even in the wild behave in entirely different ways and in no way would be expected to behave like each other.

Is there any word from commenter Ariana Grande's Clit?

Oh, I wouldn't be surprised. I still rankle at the "Women can do whatever they want without having anyone criticize them!" theory of feminism.

It's so weird. There's this thing you can do to remove some of the uncertainty and investigate the evidence ... what is it? What is it? OH YEAH. A TRIAL.

In my experience, nobody who responds to a comment with "are you _____?" on Gawker is interested in a reasoned discussion. Unless the comment was, "hey everybody, guess what race I am!"

Ferguson is a small suburb of a very large metro area. That's like saying "I'll never live in New York City because they have so much snow in Buffalo."

Goddammit Greater St. Louis Area. I love you really. You were a great place to grow up. But seriously. Can we cut this bullshit out? You're making us all look bad.

beep boop i am rationalization bot. no prob-lems exist. have u considered: not having problems. error error reality intrusion error error bwoooooooop bwoooooooop

I encourage you to run 800 feet of cable, lug 70+lbs of gear up and down risers, and sprint back and forth to the truck because the reporter forgot his phone/pen/tamaguchi in 100 degree heat - all while wearing formal clothing.

I don't disagree with you but I think it's news because didn't we win a war against the british to get them to stop telling us what to do or something?

"...should comply with the dress code on formal occasions out of respect for the guests of The Queen, or any other member of the Royal Family."

I don't think folks working behind the scenes are going to be too happy with these requirements. Those types of jobs require casual wear, for the most part.

Yeah, she failed to complete an assignment, he assaulted a child. That is not "both parties were in the wrong." That's "a full grown man used excessive physical force in an attempt to compel a pubescent girl to do something she didn't want to do." Absolutely with you on this one.

As far as I'm concerned, "I don't want to go in the water" is a valid reason.
I'm a teacher, I don't LIKE it, necessarily, but if you don't want to say you're afraid, or that you're having your period, or you just want to take a personal day from phys ed, then you might make something up and take the hit to your grade.

It's a conflict of interest thing. If I'm part of a group whose entire objective is to subjugate an ethnic or racial group, then that conflicts with my job of protecting the local population as well as upholding the law.

It's just not compatible.

Tonight, on How to Get Away With Murder: