
Thanks for mansplaining the facts to her. You certainly know every single law in the land and know that they are handled equally and openly in the ways they are meant to. And extra kudos for the inference that she is being deceptive. I don't think you're an outright misogynist dick, but in this instance you sure

Yay! A man is here to weigh in on why an infallible criminal justice system that was designed by people like him, to protect people like him, is logically sound and thus real-life experiences don't hold water against it's theoretical might!

The Bellas could sing "Pony" while Channing strips. WORLDS GREATEST IDEA. TRADEMARK IT.

Why is May so far away?!


Um, inaccurate.

Fully realizing that Fat Amy deserves better, I am shipping her and Bumper so hard right now.

I am pro GMO potatoes. Mostly because I want to see one of their crops go awesomely awry, producing kaiju potato monsters that rampage through Idaho.

They will eat your eyeballs first.

Before everyone starts screaming back and forth about GMOs and whether they are good or bad, I think it's important to point out that that most people just want them *labeled*. We want to be able to make choices about what we are eating, full disclosure.

Not more than the generation before, who decreased the tax on the 1%, cut education and welfare to take up the slack, increased college tuition so everyone is left with massive debt out of school, and exported all of our technological innovative power to China, India, and Japan. Not to mention demonizing "socialized

The majority of the corporations open on Thanksgiving/pushing Black Friday deals are run by baby boomers. As are the corporations that pay people too little to afford houses and outsource the jobs.

Every time I see articles blaming millennials for this, that or another thing, I think of this:

Also that no one our age can afford to buy stuff when it's NOT sale because economic legacy of the boomer generation mmmmmm thanks, guys.

we can also probably blame millennials for the decline of TIME magazine.

Like I tell my mom, the boomers destroyed everything. Thanks Reagan.

"Stay home and get your Black Friday deals online like the rest of us."

Not to get all srs fucking business over here, but I got hit by a drunk driver when I was 20. I now have chronic, seemingly permanent (after 10 years), pain. So uh, fuck this bitch. It should be fashionable to not be a total asshole.