
Oh, hey, that's the church I was sitting outside of when a guy on his bike rode by and scared up all of the pigeons. #totallyrelevanttothestory #tornadoofpigeons

I refuse to let anybody take my away my excitement for Galavant. Lassiter. SINGING. Clearly, I do not need high-class on my television.

Cape's actually where I consider the line between "southern" and "midwestern" to start. Not that it's a stark line, but once you get south past Cape Girardeau, the atmosphere really changes. Cape itself, though, feels more Midwestern.

But the butter cow is amaaaaaazing! It rotates in a chilled display case in the dairy building, where you can get ice cream and toodle around with the informative displays about dairy farming.

Do you remember the episode where they were like, 'you can wirelessly pay for your coffee now'? and they had a whoooole conversation about that while working on a dead body? That's how I'd want my service advertised, let me tell you. *happy sigh* I love Fringe.

Ad revenue, doing public appearances like cons, donate buttons. Some enter sponsorship deals like Michelle Phan did with Dr Pepper.

I keep amassing copies of them and giving them out to people, mostly by accident. But I'm holding onto my eighth-grade copy of A Swiftly Tilting Planet. You can pry that one from my cold dead fingers...and then expect the ghost version of me to read over your shoulder.

Many Waters. :) Charles Wallace rides a unicorn back in time in A Swiftly Tilting Planet.

Well in one of the universes, she's literally the female version of Peter Parker (cloned from his DNA)? In others, of course, she has the Hydra beginnings. On the one hand, I'd love for her to have a name that isn't modeled after a man's, but on the other... can't women be just as powerful? Why is the name woman

Eh, completely disagree. If a person wants to read solely YA, let that person read what they like. Plus, honestly, there's so much good YA out there, there's no reason to be shaming people for doing the things that make them happy. As long as those things aren't, you know, murder and stuff.

Nah, TMI wasn't fanfic directly. Only one scene was lifted from her fic, I think. It does employ a lot of tropes she wrote about when she wrote her incredibly dubious Ron/Ginny story and she reuses characters, but in my opinion, it's not that much different than Nora Roberts having about 10 common character archetypes

I wonder if that was one of the dubious consentacles fics.

I'm 95% sure they won't ever let me work on the previouslies because I would just bring back random things from two seasons ago to make the fans paranoid, especially when those things have nothing to do with the episode itself.

This has happened on every single one of my favorite shows. It calls for a shot of T-Bone Tequila.

I'm happy to share anytime. Also, I agree with you. Name of the Rose would be the way to go. Anything but Widow Hunt.

"They're doing a Spider-Woman comic—" "YESSSSSSSSSS!" "—with Greg Land as the artist." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

That's why I *do* want a Black Widow movie. They can fix this little misconception (I mean, they have Bucky's birth year listed on his plaque as 1916 in the SAME shot as the narrator reads 1917, and then Steve and Zola can't seem to figure out what year Steve's plane went down into the ice) and treat it like the first

If you search Tumblr tags, DO NOT go into the Dashcon tag. 4Chan has been launching a systematic attack on Tumblr by posting disturbing images in various tags (mostly to do with feminism, anti-ableism, social justice, etc), and I've heard reports that Dashcon is their latest target.

My first thought when I saw preserve was aw, yiss, time for some low down on delicious jams and jellies. The reality appears to be decidedly un-jelly.