
The last funeral I attended, we were asked to wear Cubs or Cards shirts, so I wore jeans and a T-shirt with the Cardinals logo on it. I think it's mostly about gauging the situation, and if you don't have much to go on, muted colors, yeah.

I got mine the same day my middle school had a bomb threat! I had no idea what was going on because I hadn't, um, actually talked to anybody about periods or anything, so I woke up in the middle of the night with cramps and was very confused until my mom explained everything. She let me sleep in and I got to school

The happiness on this lady's face just makes my DAY. Also, I'm not crying, you're crying.

Spoilers, but yes, he does discover that she's a clone and yes, what she does to him (sleeping with him while pretending to be Beth to distract him) is viewed in the show as problematic. It's actually kind of refreshing because it doesn't become a Revenge of the Nerds scenario. Loyalties shift all over the place and

Crap yes I name my toaster. He's Jeffords. The oven is Buffy because she's small but mighty, the car is the Silver Surfer, my laptop is Lady Sif, and the wonky overhead light is George because whenever it flickers off, it's very satisfying to shout, "SHUT UP GEORGE" and confuse the neighbors. ...doesn't everybody do

It was ONTD. Annnnd I'm totally on her side with this one.

"Day of the Day" is sometimes referred to as "Mexican Halloween."

There's a famous ring in...I think Nuremberg? I want to say Nuremberg?...that's on a fence in their main square. You spin it three times if you want three kids. But I'm thinking Der Ring des Nibelungen here because the other one is super obscure. (like touching the foot on the Charles Bridge or rubbing the lion nose

Oh. Huh. It's typically used for same-sex couples in fic, though. And generally for male same-sex couples. Usually if it's a female same-sex couple, it's "femmeslash."

It's pretty much the greatest relationship on the planet. Following them both on Tumblr is awesome because Fraction will tell stories of how Kelly Sue was playing Grand Theft Auto and actually stopped at stoplights.

Well, uh, I don't think the book is slash since it seems pretty het, but then, I haven't read it, so Anastasia might secretly be a man and I wouldn't know.

So has Hawkeye, and Matt Fraction's current Hawkeye series is pretty much the best thing to hit comics right now that's not being written by his wife. Pretty much every male character has had a failed series at some point or other, and they get infinite relaunches, basically. And Natasha is the last MCU Avenger to get

Definitely Tanya Huff. I cannot sing the woman's praises loudly enough. Funny, interesting military fiction in her Torin Kerr series, and hilarious poking fun at supernatural fiction with her Keeper series.

Holy crud, this is fantastic. THANK YOU.

This is my favorite version of that photo:

Makes sense to me. In other news, I am really excited for that movie and the return of I Will Kick Your Ass with Competence Pepper Potts.

I read that as "snackrificial virgin."

Mom genuinely thought I was going to be a doctor when I grew up. I did grow up to like Doctor Who, though. She says it's not the same.

We might be the same person, just as a fair warning.

Cowabunga dude yes.