
So worth it, though. They're my dad's favorite, so I always get extra.

They're already up! I've been nomming on them all week.

I sold cookies in 5 different states (AF brat, 12-year Girl Scout), and they were always Caramel Delites and Peanut Butter Patties. I was really confused to see "Tagalongs" when I moved to my newest place, but everybody I've talked to insists these are the "real" names.

If it makes you feel better, you've definitely taught me a new word. I had no idea "othering" was a word before tonight. So, for the expanded vocabulary, I thank you.

Ah, okay. Does the New Yorker just not make an app for Android? That's annoying, if so.

How are you liking the Nexus 7? I've been eyeing one to travel with because I'm backpacking and don't want to carry a full laptop, but I don't know anybody who has one. Is it a good tablet?

That was exactly my reaction!

I wonder if French lens flares will look different than space lens flares. Or Lost lens flares.

If nothing else, they can just put Jennifer Lawrence center stage with a bunch of random objects and see what happens. Probably better than 95% of their content from the last year.

Sorry, I meant to use my favorite one!


Just helping you out.

I get carded for rated R movies. ...I'm 28.

we call that "tenderizing" in our house.

If you like that one, you might like Preferred Stock as well. It's the other modern day AU (alternate universe) that's real popular in the fandom. University Challenge, while off to a really good start, has some growing pains near the end, but is still pretty brilliant.

Your use of "Slattern" has made my night awesome. *tips hat*

Holding out for the 12th doctor be black and female, personally. Don't need a blue-eyed white guy.

Provided everybody escapes with their memory intact, yeah. But I'm not bitter about that *at all*.

Nah, you can sit at the "meh" campfire with me and we'll roast marshmallows on the flames we're about to receive for not liking something that some nerds* consider their flagship. I got through the LOTR trilogy by simply admiring New Zealand (and Gimli), and I read Fellowship of the Ring because of a deal with a

Heh. Wasn't sure if sarcasm or trolling, so I went with over-the-top sarcasm, too. What we had here was a failure to communicate.