
Star Wars is only for boys? Oh, God, I've been loving the wrong stuff MY WHOLE LIFE. Quick, somebody get me a Delorean time machine so I can fix this grievous error!! Or is Back to the Future only for boys, too? I'm so confused.

I'm told he's actually very polite and gracious to his fans. Maybe he's like an onion. Stinks to some, but flavorful and delicious to others? ...or just layered. Yeah, let's go with layered.

I've had a few friends meet him and they say he's very gracious and kind to them, so I wouldn't call him a jerk, not by long shot. But he's very opinionated on Twitter and he's VERY conservative (not in a good way). Some of the language he's used in the past just makes me shake my head.

Yeahhhh, I thought that until I tried following him on Twitter.

Good luck, Marsha.

I had to work overnight as a stocker for six months because, hey, economy. The day I quit, I moonwalked out of the store.

Oh, crap, it just occurred me that I'd need dual citizenship, but my sisters wouldn't. I really hope I don't have to do two years of military service there. That could just get awkward when they hear my accent.

I had friends in the Greek system (I was in a co-ed service frat that wasn't Pan-Hellenic and therefore wasn't closely associated with the others, though I served on the RHA board and had plenty of exposure to the political workings of that group) that had a blast in frats/sororities. I think it all depends on the

Heh, I was wondering when that was going to come up. I read about that when I was a kid in a storybook somewhere, thought it was just a story, and then got to Edinburgh and had my mind blown. Apparently the guy who owns the pub behind that statue in the article turned it around so that his restaurant would be in the

I always hear "Sexy fish" during that song. Actually, the way I hear the lyrics is "Damn, lose a sexy fish." Hearing the real lyrics, as you can imagine, was rather disappointing.

Just gonna leave this here.

Exactly. Why the need to measure them against each other? I grew up with Harry Potter, somewhat, read HG as an adult, walked away from both series having learned important life lessons.

Hey, it's not crazy. It's looking for love in *wait for it* Alderaan places.

Until other states can brag about their croquet-piece-shaped landmarks, MO will still pwn the other 49 in that area, at least. Also, toasted ravioli. Even with those two claims to fame, I will make sure my MO vote goes against this guy.

...Alderaan. I just...I can't. I'm sorry, I have to be That Person. That said: bwahaha.

Diplo's a pretty big deal in the music producing circles, I think? I know a music critic friend of mine nearly went nuts when Diplo was asking for suggestions for a good group that plays an-obscure-type-of-music-I-don't remember, and Diplo took his suggestion. The band then offered my friend first media rights to

Yeah, it's definitely streets behind.

Okay, that is an awesome addition. I just used the app for a five-day jaunt across California (with two different parties traveling concurrently), and I will be singing its praises from the mountaintops even stronger now. It made me, the constant scatter-brain of the family, look like the super-organized one.