
A friend some years ago worked supporting an AIDS benefit I believe in Philadelphia where Patti was one of the guests/benefactors. She took a shine to him and invited him to dinner, which he dismissed just as talk. Imagine his surprise when she actually reached out to him soon afterwards to have him over for dinner

You know it. With both gusto and discretion, your audience will be entertained without NBC Universal or Comcast Inc ever having any fear of civil litigation. If forty+ years in Hollywood have given me an abundance of anecdotes and history, they'd have taught me nothing if not when to be vague.

10/10, would watch!

NBC Job Interviewer: Mr Jerry-Netherland, would you be willing to break open your vault of Hollywood stories to entertain our viewers?

That interview with Miss Patti is just great. Bust Phillips’ vocal fry manner of speaking is a bit hard to listen to, but she won me over. And Patti - in her fun, relaxed down to earth conversation - is comfort food. I want Miss Patti at my dinner party.

My new ambition in life is to fail so much at my job that they’ll give me $69 million to go away

I watched 2 episodes of this show yesterday.

I mean, I got rid of a bunch of stuff because of the show and so did several people I know...I haven’t done a study or anything but I wouldn’t be surprised if me and people I know are not the only ones.

The best thing for me to purge stuff was my sister and I having to clean out my dad’s house because he moved to a retirement home before expected (wait list that was supposed to be a year long was on only a couple months...). The stuff we found over some months, and she did the lions share of the work because she was

As a librarian I am telling you, libraries don’t want your books, even if it’s your special collection of comic books. Please get this through everyone’s head. We don’t want your used books. Sorry to break all the hearts, but it’s just the way it is.

I don’t blame them. I saw the movie NYE and thought it was fairly boring. Appreciating/being horrified by how uncanny the resemblance between GWB and Sam Rockwell in makeup is was the only really worthwhile part of the movie. Despite being comically evil, Cheney turned out to be a pretty boring movie villain.

This was a stupid fucking stunt. it’s the same thing as when Pence and Mother flew to Indiana for a football game and then immediately left when players took a knee. What did these two dunces think they were going to see?

These two know that Vice is mainly fiction, right? Just because the characters actually existed and specific scenarios occurred doesn’t mean a movie is 100% accurate. (I will grant that GWB has every incentive to claim he really was in charge so he doesn’t look like a clueless buffoon.)

Let me send you your first.

We do not need to know this. Consenting adults make a mess of their personal lives everyday. Jeff Bezos decimates unions and exploits his workers. Amazon leaves a trail of housing and transportation problems in communities and they get major tax breaks for that privilege. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and New York

Of course Trump hates Bezos.

I don't even think it's tinfoil-hatting to point out that Trump hates Bezos and The Enquirer loves Trump. 

Wow I’m sensing jealousy, NomNom.


He was robbed of an Oscar for that film!