
Yeah I came to that conclusion. I find it amazing how people cannot envision how a market or situation will change.

It stopped being a “nice debate” when you decided to shut off your reason and ignore the very well laid out arguments made in the video.

There is no evidence that we didn’t go to the moon. Let me run through he typical arguments:

No market. 40% of the last Progress mission was fuel, air and water. All of which can be produced with electricity and ice/water. Which exists possibly in large concentrations up there.

And you’re acting like its some impossible feat. First off I think it would be stupid to even try, using it on earth is pointless.

True, early on I see this being useful for fuel and not a whole lot else. Depending on WHAT we find at some of these asteroids maybe they can produce some basic stuff but I think that within the next few decades(being very optimistic here) we only see it used for water.

To put things in perspective a Progress launch of

Where exactly do you imagine we would be trying to land this stuff? The lovely thing about orbits is that they are wholly deterministic and we can know with a high degree of accuracy where an object we guide into the atmosphere is going to land, this isn’t difficult.

Autocorrect is the price we pay for all our fancy tech and hubris

The same way we get everything else back. Give it a nudge and let gravity do the rest.

It has never been about bringing it back here, it’s about building there and not having to launch that weight.

I hate to be this guy but: penchant

Bring in the space tape

We don’t give a fuck about your enjoyment we care about lives.

Wrong: we ask the phone to do MUCH more. The autonomous car does s more complex job but it’s very narrow in its ability.

It won’t replace the fun stuff. But don’t try to tell me you enjoy driving in bumper to bumper traffic.

I usually do but today I’m confined to my phone(the horror) and can’t browse easily.

I’m not gonna continue, you’re an idiot. This teaches us about fundamentals of planet formation and our solar system. If you don’t understand why that’s important there isn’t anything else to be said.

Is that coming from people who have useful opinions or speculation by armchair specialists?

How did he “maybe kill her”? He was suspended for violating protocol during the arrest, it seems to have nothing to do with her death

My point is that you have selected something valuable as an item to cut, while your nation spends billions on other pointless things.