
It’s reported as the 6th most trafficked site on the Internet. As with life a certain % of them will suck.

There’s nothing mysterious about it, it's familiarity. That's all, for your whole life you have associated power with noises and bangs and things that go zoom.

Because imperial sucks. Full stop. Get a real way of measuring things yo!

They may well be far better at ad weather driving f they can communicate and report. Imagine if you have a particularly icy corner and each time a car passes over it fine tunes the data for the next vehicle that needs to manage it.

We need something to get you jalops in love with autonomous cars.

The car was giving what looks like 2 car lengths of space. In a 35 zone that sounds reasonable to me

Likely because it wasn’t programmed to do that. Yet.

Rest assured that if driving on public roads manually becomes banned that a VERY lively community will spring up around building and operating places for fun.

NASA gets less funding than Americans spend on many frivolous items, like cosmetics.

Yes! So much yes! I see Americans go on about freedom or the power the of their military but when I see things like the moon landing, the Martian rovers and New Horizons I can’t help but be in genuine awe of what the country is capable of.

WATCH THE VIDEO BEFORE COMMENTING. There was nothing to be done, the driver who hit them was coming in way too fast.

Your argument is fraught with issues. Self driving cars don't need to be better than the best human drives, they can improve minimum levels of safety by being better than the average.

Did you see how quickly the second car came up? There was no way the Google vehicle could possibly put enough distance to matter. The other car simply wasn't slowing down.

I know right? The best thing you can do is make sure your brake pedal is as deep as she will go and go as limp as possible.

Be careful there my friend, idiots abound and will scream you down from your reasonable approach to pricing

No kidding. Imagine if that information was shared by some colourful lot objects on the rear....

Oh I absolutely agree. Money spent on those at the bottom of our economic group isn’t money spent it is money invested.

So you’re saying its your responsibility to prevent an idiot from not slowing at a light?

That’s the map that the Lidar and other sensors are capturing. What you’re seeing is what the car “sees”. It's even sensitive enough to detect hand turn gestures my bikers

And yet despite videos like this the crazies will claim that Google isn’t tellin us the truth and that these cars are causing tons of accidents.