
Wrong. We were born late on both counts, the future of space exploration is robots not likely humans

Thank you for not being terrible.

No we dismiss them because their arguments are insane. Like the guy who says that only things seen from earth exist, seriously, why would you believe anything these people have to say?

Hitting the nail a little hard on the head aren't you son?

Why isn’t a sleeve sufficient? I bought my OEM copy that way.

Ugh. It blows my mind how effectively these people managed to be dicks to all of us.

Yeah no. You know what the box contains, so you can make some assumptions about the minimum size.

You assume I agree with the idea that there shouldn’t be a physical version. There needs to be, but having it in an actual honest to god box is stupid.

Good try yourself. It’s incredibly easy to transfer the license, I recently replaced mine and it was as easy as a 5 minute automated phone call.

The issue is that this packaging is stupid and is still a box, and my reason for disliking it is that it’s wasteful

Granted that you typically get a major discount on the license, yeah. Everyone I know who doesn't own a Dell or some other branded thing went OEM to save the $150

Shouldn’t she? Like anyone who is trying to get views wouldn’t a pornstar want to be able to appeal to as many possible customers as possible?

Theft shouldn’t be too much of an issue, most of these big box stores are already selling higher priced items in smaller packaging.

I could be wrong but I would also guess that shipping weight and space on the larger pointless box probably outweighs theft by a significant margin. Hell, most of the big box retailers

It’s not that it’s exists as a physical object but that they are going to again use a box that is many times larger than the physical volume necessary for a usb drive or a dvd.

People building rigs won’t buy this they should be buying an OEM copy that conveniently comes in a MUCH smaller package.

Because it's a massive shipping waste. If they must insist on physical media they should pack them the way they pack OEM copies, in a much smaller package without all the cruft

Eh, you might be surprised how little some people can glean.

A nitrous explosion would probably be a slightly more accurate description and probably get more views, but I think we can square with the fact that in most things Gawker we can’t expect titles to be particularly enlightening or accurate. Sadly, though

Fine, even if you insist on being obtuse then compare their data to the IIHS figures on fatalities which is roughly 1.1/million miles across the US and 0.94 in California where it seems like the bulk of this testing is taking place.

Googles vehicles have recently ticked over a million miles and have managed to kill

If you would bother to read the article you cited you would notice that none of those were at-fault accidents, it was OTHER PEOPLE crashing into/crashing the car.

Again, you are uninformed and I recommend that you go and read a thing or two

I assumed they were talking about the bacteria responsible for TSS that love to grow and thrive in Rayon.