
You would never need to because THOSE SORTS OF THINGS TYPICALLY AREN’T ON THE TOUCHSCREEN. Physical buttons still exists.

Seriously people, the touchscreen is NOT FOR USE WHILE DRIVING. Stop arguing against it as though it was intended for use while moving. The physical and steering wheel buttons prove quite clearly

You have started from the flawed assumption of what they should even be used for. They aren’t for entering data while driving they are there because of the added complexity they allow for things like settings, destination entry and the like.

While I’m driving there is no functionality on the touchscreen that is in any

How about the unit that is sitting in my car, today, that I use every time I drive? It doesn’t require me to use the touchscreen for basically anything, the touchscreen serves as a handy way for keying in GPS destinations, configuring settings, pairing devices and such.

You’re flat out a moron. I can make that same argument for manual transmissions. It requires attention being shifted and hands taken off the wheel. That doesn’t make it unsafe.

Why do you people keep assuming the touchscreen is for use while driving? The physical buttons are for that, the touchscreen is to pack in features for when you aren’t moving.

Seems like pairing the watch is not something I do frequently, so while it provides a nice on boarding experience, meh.

At the sizes of modern smartphones what benefit do we see from 4k displays?

Building a single product line means more simplicity of tooling. Part of what makes spacex nimble and competitive is how they reuse things. For example on falcon 9 both first and second stage use the same engine core.

These are algorithms that adapt themselves. Google makes heavy use of deep neural nets where the heavy lifting is done with nearly no visibility into how the result is acquired.

You not in the photo today would have more to do with the fact that detail where there is a lot of contrast between points in the shot. The lens doesn't really factor in much

Dudes make mild off colour joke about dongles and the Internet Shame Squad cane down on him like a pile of bricks.

This is the internet. Everyone is a bathroom expert

I’m a cis man and I would love this. Seriously, walls of urinals without even a divider is just cruel.

No. Woman refers to identify, female refers to biological sex. These are two related but distinct things.

You would have them limit space access which accounts for a tiny fraction of spending while useless crap like militaries chew up billions?

Ok you need to calm the fuck down. It wasn’t judgemental I’m just surprised that people don’t remember things very well.

No. Rockets explode, this happens. Anyone acting in this space understands that, anyone who doesn't shouldn't be involved at all

Don’t engage, he’s either a troll or a fucking idiot.

No. They have tested 2 landings that crashed, this is the first failure on launch they have had in years.

On the way up. Somewhere around the 2:50 mark it just disintegrated