
Why would any business sell anything to you at cost? Why do you assume they should or would?

Great take away.

And what phone is that?

Doesn’t matter how we views the incident, he was the victim of a crime for which someone was convicted. He is guilty of perjury and this is the logical thing to do.

Flash isn’t relevant or useful anymore, so you can scratch that.

And? it includes lots of features that the vast majority of users do not need. The basic $10 starter plan has Photoshop and Lightroom.

How many people would actually want or need Illustrator and the web storage?

The plans run from $10 to $80 at the very end, your argument doesn’t hold up. Especially when we consider the $1000+ pricetag that the software used to carry

This isn’t about offending people its about threatening them. WHICH PRO TIP IS NOT ALLOWED. If you walk up and threaten someone in “real life” it can be treated as a crime.

Internet == real life

It happens to me but it isn’t very frequent. Most often I have people tell me to go slit my wrists or drink bleach. I don’t get personal threats, such as that they will come to my house to rape me

I often wonder who these people are, I don’t anymore but I used to play a LOT of L4D and I was always too busy charging ahead and getting wrecked by specials to try and hit on someone trying to play their own game.

Because you should. Payday loans WILL NOT SAVE YOU, you will just wind up losing more money.

Just because it’s your only option doesn’t suddenly make it a GOOD option

The reason I got into other properties is that price is NOT the only thing people buy computers based on. And no, the airflow in the mac pro is excellent, the setup they are using provides excellent airflow. I can’t speak to the old cheese grater pros

I’m done with this because I’m not even sure what you’re trying to advocate. You don’t need to sell windows or custom PCs to me, I’m currently playing GTA V on my water cooled Windows machine. I get the benefits, I also own an older original unibody MacBook, it’s fine, OS X is fine. Most usage is spent in a web

Look I’m not debating that there is an up charge but you people miss the important point: these people who buy these devices want to run OS X badly enough that apparently they will spend the extra cash.

It would be less for certain but I would challenge the $4000 less cost. Add in that you are pricing out parts, not an assembled machine, it's a similar up charge as a boutique builder(if those guys still exist?). It's a markup I wouldn't personally be willing to spend, which is why I have my crappy first gen i7

Oh spare me, you people always ascribe the worst of human behaviour to our creations. If we succeed in making AIs that are radically more capable than humans one would expect them to suffer from less of our undignified traits

You won’t get something that uses the same parts as a Mac Pro for $2k, fuck off if you don’t think so. Those top end 12-core processors run at $1k or more straight from Intel.

The $10 bill is due for a redesign with anti-counterfeit measures so I would guess that's why they chose this bill

Not to mention that the current flavour of American government and democracy is heavily influenced by the previous organization

Normally I would agree with you entirely! Most things don't need to be laid as blame. However in this case since the guy in the Ferrari described it as being the other guys fault? Fuck him for even trying to blame his shitty driving on someone else