
Where did anyone say “any civil role”? They're purely speaking about jurors who are frequently barred for a large number of reasons. Potential bias is a perfectly valid reason, though it does not seem to be the case here

You might want to check on the definition of drought

They are the mooninites, they come from the moon. They might say that the earth is their moon but that episode belittle the name of the moon: which is the moon!

It shouldn’t upset us to see entitled assholes almost killing people in Ferraris? No, fuck that guy he may have just barely not killed everyone involved but it was thanks to the technology and clearly not any skill on his part

it’s not like he was doing 10 or 20 over the limit, dude is doing several multiples of the limit(posted sign shows a limit of 30km/h).

The ferrari driver can eat shit

Advocating for mob justice makes you the crazy one

I have owns multiple android tablets(galaxy tab and nexus 7), my iPad is superior in almost every way.

If you watched it read at all you would know that they took pot shots at the lack of privacy afforded by the alternatives. You’re talking out of your ass.

Why “should” it turn me on? The rest of what you have to say is fine but don't tell me how to feel about certain acts

Lack of high speed rail is a symptom of you Americans being idiots, not of any technical or economic issue inherent to the idea

Yeah no, the dude was an asshole but this in unreasonable behaviour

I really don’t get it. I’m a dude, but I don’t make tons o’ cash so I will almost certainly be the lower earner. Why is that a problem though? It means more available fund which means we can buy more STUFF. I love me some stuff

I still haven't been lured off of iOS. They don't need to be perfect just better (for their customers) than the competition

I would argue they didn't stop innovating because they never started

For me I have a personal device and a work one. Currently that work device is alternating between and HTC One and my old iPhone

I hit that measure too. I have an iPhone 6 and 5, as well as an iPad mini and a 13” MacBook. I most certainly have a card lol. I also have a android phone as well(current device I chose for work) and the differences are really not that big. People get caught up in which system blah blah while ignoring they both are

In my experience fanboys as a whole tend to give the thing they fan over a bad name.

There are rarely any Apple fanatics on these sorts of articles it’s almost always diehard android fans talking shit. Jesus Christ you people treat this like its a fucking holy war. I own a iOS device, and some android ones.

Your reading comprehension is shit. Go away

3 comments by me. Relax bro. That’s a pretty small subset of “everyone”.