
Then why not call out everyone? Companies market shit and are pretty loose in their ethics, welcome to business.

Metal is really not particularly unique or innovative, and I say this as a guy with an iPhone in each pocket, so you know I’m a card-carrying fanboy.

Most the slow to roll out features seem to be a result of battery life expectations than anything to me. I loved how powerful and capable my Nexus 7 was, I didn't so much love that the price I paid was a standby battery life that is measured in hours, rather than days

The ones who seem most upset are the rabid android fans, not us. I don’t need the people who make my phone to innovate, I just need them to deliver a quality product with the features I use.

You confused incapable with unwilling

WWDC...gee I wonder what the D stands for

Fuck bikers who filter. Lane splitting in slow moving or stopped traffic is fine but seriously, we’re at a light, you should be STOPPED. People aren't looking out for moving vehicles when stopped at a light

Market segmentation. For most end users they don’t understand cores or ram or any of that. The way they buy devices relies heavily on what’s cheap and storage.

So go with Apple, their product is shiny gadgets not data, as it is for Google

The unit itself has no dats it pulls from your phone. Your argument is invalid

Implying I'm going to read through the massive pile of comments for your responses.

The breach of trust is clearly in not telling parents beforehand. As is typically done with ALL field trips.

Not to mention motorcycle so the other guy could reasonably assume he would be quicker off the line unless the recording driver acted like an asshole and just immediately gunned it into the intersection. The first video definitely makes the dude look like a tool

It's not producing it, that's easy. It's the problem that it requires massive infrastructure rollouts and keeping it at pressure is difficult. It has a place in our future for long haul trucking, but for short range consumer vehicles? Battery electric is the likely winner

Well he doesn't even have the package that allows for he car to stop for or sense pedestrians so you're totally off base

Are you high? These accidents happen and are totally survivable

Do it right after a hot bath or shower. Softens them up

This thing is insulated to survive reentry, I'm guessing that gets a wee bit hotter

You can clearly see that he was not set security which means he was already checked in.

They're being crotchety and old