
It's pointless. You claim to sarcasm when, if taken as truth, the sarcasm still doesn't work in the context of this article.

But they weren't all black. She makes that point as well.

I just think mentioning it all is somewhat irrelevant to the narrative which is that some grumpy old man doesn't know how to be civil in public

Read your comment again, it comes off as someone who read the title and posted a comment

I would disagree. Conquest has almost always involved rape and some amount of transfer of people. An invasion absolutely has the ability to affect(though maybe not utterly change) the makeup of a population

Both you and the person you responded to missed the point. Does it matter? I seem to recall a lot of people getting called out for thinking it mattered with Heimdall being played by a black dude, am I now allowed to call out the author of this post?

Defending your ill-informed comment with a gif. How very Jez of you

It would really depend on when during Egyptian history this story takes place(I have no idea because I am uncultured) as Egypt was invaded many times, with a lot of people no doubt coming in from the middle east(Assyrian & Persian invaders to name just a few).

That being said you should be more upset by the author for

You do realize that the sororities who are part of the PanHellic org voted for this right? There's nobody telling them they can't have liquor, they voted it away to save on insurance costs. isn't. Or at least it isn't significantly more crazy than elsewhere. There are laws regarding arrest records that differ in Florida from most any other states.

Everything has a reason, and it usually isn't the one we first assume

It becomes a stereotype by people generalizing and refusing to look a little deeper to find actual causal roots. Such as with this Florida thing where it is presented as "OMG FLORIDA IS SO CRAZY LOL" without presenting the facts as to WHY we hear wacky tales from Florida so often.

No, but sites like Jez could help things along by cutting it out with the "OMG LOL FLORIDA" posts. But no, they won't do that because all they care about is the pageviews

But it doesn't exist, it's just selection bias

Skeptic is more accurate because at no point did you deny "global warming" (a term that isn't accurate or used much anymore) but you did make it obvious that you are dubious.

And no, people who are skeptical of climate change are not using their critical thinking skills, they are actively ignoring a preponderance of

Well the only reason we HEAR the kooky stories is how Florida handles arrest records. People need to get off this nonsense, it was sort of funny at first but now it's just blah

Why do people hate on Florida and act like it's so insane?

DERP DERP DERP - Climate change skeptic detected! It must be painful to be so stupid

Isn't it amazing how when you make it difficult for people to achieve upward mobility things get shitty fast? I feel like all of Republican policy ignores the massive body of knowledge economics has to work with

It makes sense if you have even an ounce of grey matter up in your skull. I'm not sure that's a description that would fit most people.

Hell, red states still haven't realized that they are the parasites, not the providers.

This is why we should make everyone become an economist. Then they would understand that we should be incentivizing the people who want to have kids and making it easy for those who don't to not have kids.

This is the path to a stable and more productive nation

According to the people doing the judging, presumably. Simply because my morals don't line up with theirs doesn't make what they do any more RIGHT. Just like a racist or sexist can't shrug off an accusation by claiming that it's just like, our opinions man.

When talking about things like this I feel it's important to