
I still can't get over the fact that Littlefinger banged the milk lady. Gross.

Motoko Kusanagi has seen worse.

Your post was pretty respectable until your TL:DR summary. You're like a petulant child with a larger-than-average vocabulary. I love your flowery language. Super classy. Very easy to take you seriously. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? I would.

Discussion and commentary about the events of an episode are fair game the second the episode finishes airing, officially, in any time zone, regardless of circumstance. Work/dinner/funeral/doggy style adultery? None of those excuses count. You know what time the show airs, if you really wanted to know about things as

Does Samantha count as a robot?


You need to get outside more

You are in dire need of a copy editor. The grammatical errors made this so painful to read. C'mon, man. You write for a living.

She really IS all that.

Better gaming mechanics, great story and multiplayer, a fantastic discussion about how Sully follows hos, and Chloe's ass

Cracker Jack from EX would be a great addition

Forward Unto Dawn was so well done. I'm hoping this Titanfall endeavor is as good.

You need to relax.

Didn't The Matrix actually convince a bunch of dorky virgins that their lives were essentially a digital ruse visualized by a cascade of green zeroes and ones?

I always thought the ending from From Dusk Til Dawn was pretty believable.

Wilma is so hot.


Don't I know you? I stole the baby from you, Daikini! While you were taking a peepee!

Unless the Windows Mobile 8.1 Cortana has an ass that won't quit like Halo 4's Cortana, I'm less interested.