
The Authority's Carrier. Can't traverse the Bleed without it.

The B-wing is my favorite rebellion fighter.


This looks fantastic. I just linked this to a bunch of the artists in my office and the initial reaction was overwhelmingly "OOOOOHHH"

My first successful foray into Monster Hunter was on the 3DS XL and netted me 300 hours before I made myself quit. Your experience with any game, handheld or otherwise, is what you make of it.

Who doesn't want a gold crown?

Please don't ever, ever compare the likenesses of Katy Perry and whatsherface ever again.

Heh yeah I saw that option. Was wondering specifically if I could get tho deal in an actual store since I have one local to me. Don't wanna download because I don't have an X1 yet, and I prefer instant gratification (with the acrd in hand) if the option is there. Thanks for doing the footwork though :)

Is this deal available in brick and mortar MS Stores?

You're very charming

… and then there are assholes who toss around names arbitrarily to get their points across. Classy and sassy, you'll go places

That's nice

This is about Preacher

Not what non-sequitur comic series you want to see happen

It's only a matter of time before you die, too.

No sympathy

She looks great with the short cut.

Fat nerds need to chill out and flip through a magazine or watch some TV once in a while. Trends change outside of Azeroth

Looks/sounds pretty white trash.

Role Models made me wanna LARP

How did the title give the wrong impression?

Slim-Fast - GREAT with nachos

Baroness is rockin' a TAR-21?

I'm in love

It pains me to see how closed-minded people can be when it comes to food. Foreign concepts get preemptively demonized way too often, and that's a damn shame because you're missing out on life when you deny yourself the chance to explore food. Bacon sundaes, chicken mole ( bird with a spicy chocolate sauce), foie gras