Now playing

I know its not sic-fi per se, but when I read "chase scene," all I could think of was this:

I think I read that this was all done in one take. If so, this one is amazing!

I think you both spelled Franklin wrong!

I hope he beats the shit out of Ted for firing him mid-heart attack.

Not as nerdy but just as great, he played Hammond Druthers on HIMYM

edit: Sorry, didn't follow directions. Will try again later :/

I smell hipster hate

Don't don't don't don't - don't you...

May I recommend



To all the elitist sci-fi hipsters who refute the little-known-fact-ness of my original post: know that there are tons of relatively new fans who's Star Wars experience is based around Ep. 1-3. As such, while it's likely they've seen Ep. 4-6, they may not be privy to the whole "Revenge" thing. So please, really, get

We can still be friends!

Yep the Yamato is relevant for sure. Good call.

Do comic book starships count? If so, where does the Carrier from The Authority fit into all of this?

I'm not sure if I should take this as some sort of hipster passive-aggressive retort or not


Didn't know about the phone surveys. I had read that they had a change of heart on the "revenge" part because they didn't feel like revenge was characteristic of a Jedi

In addition, "Revenge of the Jedi" was a proposed title

I haven't read the books, only watch the show. I've come to terms with the fact that fans will want to discuss what they know of the books. The books have been around for YEARS.
