
Was the town in Kung Fu Hustle inspired by Kowloon?

the fine scientific contributions of porn star Ron Jeremy, among other Ivory Tower notables

Yeah this is definitely a setting that would be great if revamped.

Get on it, WOTC.

The universe in Planescape was fantastic.

I was totally waiting for the Han Solo one.

I was really excited to hear that Fernando would have his own radio show in GTA5, but it is so incredibly lackluster to what he was in GTA3. His voice, his quips, the energy, everything. Sorely disappointed.

This one is great. She's really pretty

The Chun-Li thighs are pretty legit

YES! Fernet LOVE!

Your 'shop on the right looks like the Spirit of the Forest

Oh god quit with the bitching. You don't like it? Drop Kotaku and go read articles on Polygon.

Now playing

Digital Girl by Jamie Foxx. Kanye's intro verse right off the get-go showcases his penchant for Apple products:

You're probably right. I haven't seen it in ages. Being as young as I was, my mind focussed on the "coral" and "essex" components for the obvious hormonal reasons

On a not-really-semi-related note: I think Jennifer Landa is incredibly charming and pretty. I would definitely hold hands with her in public.

Creepiest post ever. No offense

Canal City to appear in the new Revenge of the Nerds movie, the sister motel to the Hot Coral Essex

That Dune/Chani concept art is awesome. It just reminded me of how much I love Dune!

On vanilla day 1, I made a Dwarf Warrior named Goodlovin, because Shotglass and Shortstack were already taken. :/ It actually stuck pretty well, because every time I would log on to guild chat, I would type out, "GooooooooooooodLOVIN!" Seemed like the guildies dug it, so I always enjoyed that name. A few years later,

It really does look pretty spectacular.