
That's my setting. There's also "losing sleep," "getting shakes" and "embarrassingly giddy."

So it's simply turning the PS3 - now a much more affordable console than it used to be - into a streaming service. Not making the selection of PS1/2 classics any better, and not even saving money in the long run because it's an extra subscription?

Sounds like something that will get boring fast without the right amount of options & maps. L4D worked because it required strategy and teamwork, whether as humans or infected, and had objectives. Making an entire game out of fighting a boss? I'll be impressed if it succeeds.

Looking at the way he talked about the PS3 back in the day, this means he'll personally come out and call the Xbox One the best platform to play their next multiplatform game on.

Exactly why this only makes sense for the series. We were told that this one would go to such dark places that even Kojima felt unsure about how the fans will handle it, feeling a little uncomfortable should be the least of our worries pre-release.

If she's the one who gets assaulted, then that would explain the clothing. Could've been reduced to just that by the time she got away.

Everybody's throwing a fit over this before even knowing what exactly happens or why...but yet, if things like this weren't in the game, they'd be throwing a fit over a poorly written story that doesn't hit emotions like MGS does. Like we need another game with poorly done antagonists, or one that's all explosions and

There's definitely implied sexual assault in 3. Groping happens on more than 1 occasion, so it's easy to assume someone like Vulgin has done more than the usual torturing before.

Depending on when that scene happens, it's probably why Quiet is dressed the way she is everywhere else we've seen her. Kojima did say there was a reason behind her looks and personality, right? She's probably the one being assaulted and winds up with just that little amount of clothing.

We would also need more flexibility in terms of memory options and amounts. When games are only getting bigger and using more complicated tech, we would need to be able to add more space for our collections, ideally as easily as it is to do so on a PC. Not to mention, going back to the original post, we would

Reconnect with the kids.

With graphics as simple as this, would it be possible to just have the map flip and spin accordingly to compensate for the gravity staying the same? Or some other illusion that would have the same effect for the player?

I believe that has something to do with buying the dock up in the Northwestern section of the map, which gives access to a submarine for collecting the nuclear waste, and a dinghy with scuba gear for collecting ruined submarine pieces for a "grieving" widow. Essential for achievements & progress towards 100%

There was a GTA V panel at Comikaze Expo back in the beginning of November, and Shawn Fonteno (Franklin) said it's a rap album that he's doing with CJ's actor. Not directly related to GTA at all. Turns out the actors are also cousins, which explains why people think they sound similar.

Her thoughts:

Pirates of the Caribbean Online — October 31, 2007 - September 19, 2013

"The longevity of the Resident Evil title also comes with problems," Capcom said in this white paper on the history of Resident Evil. "The main user group is now in their late-30s to 40s, and the average age is also going up as the series goes on with an increasing possibility that some percentage of the existing

You can still wear the holiday clothes until January 5th, and look extra ridiculous/creepy doing it without the snow.

Normally, there is a pretty strict limit on how much you can just randomly give someone per real day. But these people modded the game to get that money, so the limits are broken for them. It's very different from a simple in-game glitch, and will take much more work than a quick patch to get rid of it.

Something I've noticed in many video game logos...aside from majority of them being very average fonts with a metric fuckton of 'Shopping done to them. The logos only seem to change when the game itself departs enough from the previous entries.