Nick drives Stick (not Stig)

Rimowa makes some kick ass luggage with Porsche logo's on... There, fixed that for you!

Busted... Anderson Cooper only reports on news suitable for TMZ these days...

A lot of loans penalizes you if you terminate early... Did you read the fine print?

I think the appendix is too far up the asshole to check it manually...

Oysters put lead in your pencil... You just gotta make sure you have someone to write to!

The name of the project is German, but the guy isn't... I'm guessing Filipino or Thai.

Let's see her actually fly in those heals...

Aaaaaawwwwwww! Kittens.......

I've been on at least 4 AA flights in the last couple of weeks... You can keep your phone on!

What? No dub step on the videos...? Really? No, Really, Thank you!

I agree... While this is foolish and dangerous, a lengthy prison sentence seems a bit like overreacting to me. (my opinion as a citizen as well as a pilot)

About 10 years ago I flew on Barjaya from Singapore to Pulao Tioman. The seats we're wooden, the pilots were drunk (not kiddin'... They came on board last, and were stumbling through the cabin) and when the engines started up, smoke came in through the ventilation system. So in short, I nominate Berjaya Air

See that is clearly a funny remark... Stick to this, and not what you posted on F.A.

It can't be all CGI, can it???? Sure there must be some video footage as we, right?

Hey Jesus, this is probably not the right forum, but honestly I'm not sure which one one is.

Here's a reply from my CFI, CFII, MEI buddy:

Part 141. Google it!

Dude, I did my flight training in 2011. I guarantee you that did not forget the syllabus requirements or the events that happened. In fact my flight training got delayed by almost a month because we couldn't complete the cross country night flight into KSNA due to marine layer.