Nick drives Stick (not Stig)

The days of naturally aspirated engines are over... Thank emission requirements for that!!!

The French... They just want to give you appines. They want what? To give me a penis, Noooooo thank you, I'm happy with the one I've got!

Déjà vu... Has the content of this article not been posted within Gawker before?

FastLane Daily is part of the /DRIVE Network????

SL's have had that body shape since early 90's with minor changes... A proven concept, except for this time they screwed up the headlights.

I always let people merge in. When I do I feel like a better person, and guess what... So does the people you let in: "Thanks bud, that's nice of you".

Si Senor!

They do, Colombian snow... Imported directly from Tijuana!

There is a big difference between cutting someone off and running them off the road...

I don't agree with any of her behavior but I dislike how society has become so overly sensitive...

I think that is a bit of an overreaction... I doubt you can get in trouble with CPS for being a bad role model!

My thoughts exactly... If I ever lost it like that in front of my kids (I never do) but if I would, I would be sooooooo ashamed of myself...

That's what I do and at my flying club you can easily find a Piper or Cessna for $100/hour wet... Try to find a hooker for that price/terms anywhere north of the border!

I've never used AeroTrader before, but it's a nice looking site although selection seems to be a little limited. Here are a few sites that I use for airplane search:

Well, it's located in Maine so fish smell comes standard!

I will never forget where I was when the towers fell... The world changed that day!

Why the Danish and German flags?

I have the Garmin D2 version of the watch and love it... Especially for functions in an emergency situation (which I luckily have not been needing so far) but also as a backup should any of my primary instruments fail!

Koenigsegg with Corvette lights!