
@melskies: Opposing viewpoints are never welcome here. I gave up long ago.

I used to work for a guy who was buds with Trump. He was really old and did a lot of drugs and was a notorious womanizer. He would often show up to events with Miss Universe and Miss USA. This was generally so that he could pose for pictures with beautiful women on his arm. It was my understanding doing things like

Maria Bamford isn't funny. Sorry.

@Hana Maru, with or without animals: I've come to terms with the fact that this website functions mainly as a support group for women with body issues. Don't worry, I'll be fine.

Yesterday, you guys were insinuating this woman didn't deserve her job and only got it because of how she looked. Today, you're playing dumb and Irin is RT-ing links to this that address her as a dog.

@msmoneypenny: Even if, as an extension of "calling them out on it", they made the accusation that you only got the job because of how you look?

Oh. Free art happenings. Just kill me.

@melskies: (but opinions like this are why you and I will never have Jez stars ;-) )

@melskies: Could not agree more. Good looking women aren't allowed to be successful. If they are, it's only because patriarchal men want to bang them, right? Sisterhood, yay.

Someone explain to me what a Pearl Harbor style slap is, please.

Wait, she wanted to blow up a bunch of people to make her outfit? Um... fur is murder...? eh...?

@KiddyKat: I read it everyday, sweetie, but thanks for your concern.

@bluebears: Well, thanks for stopping by and contributing then, or whatever that was.

@bluebears: Well, if you were in fact using sarcasm, which I surmised, you were in fact berating me, and angry enough to go out of your way to do so. So maybe take half a chill pill?

@bluebears: Oh calm down. That was called sarcasm. It's a humor device.

@LawFairy: Show me one brilliant comedian out there who doesn't get a shot because her work is too edgy for male audiences and I'll literally pay you $10. Please note that Margaret Cho is already famous and successful so she doesn't count.

@KiddyKat: I read it enough to know there isn't much feminism to be found in "This Week in Tabloids" - not to mention I literally quoted Jezebel's tag line. The Spencer Pratt thing is because that was one of the first posts up on here this morning.

I'll do you one better. Once, on a late night fast-food run, I had the misfortune of getting stopped at a red light alongside a man who had IT OUT, masturbating, while talking on the phone, and, of course, driving.