
"hair TM"... because I don't think it's actually hair, you know?

Aw, come on, you’re giving them too much credit. They would totally interrogate those women in the most hostile environment possible. No way they'd actually let them testify from safe and familiar surroundings.

Those are GORGEOUS! But those are not the kind of shoes she was wearing. They were regulation high-heeled pumps, not platform stilettos. NOBODY would have believed she could run through the jungle in those gorgeous girls!

Ditto. This just made everything much better.

Amy Poehler instead of Amy Schumer. More doe eyed.

Apparently the conservative mindset in America is fractal: It's as terrible at the micro level as it is at the macro level. Schumacher < Trump, but only because of scaling, not because Trump is actually any worse.

Not to be THAT person, but:
"Perhaps if Paul Ryan HAD spent much of his political career fighting for laws that promote realistic work-life balance for parents of all socioeconomic levels, asking for family time would make him look more like a hero and less like a hypocrite." FTFY

In other words, it's a job application for Fox News (or the Hungarian equivalent).

My brain knows that, but not my gag response.

I read a biography of Lady Byron in college, that included details about her wedding to Lord Byron. What peaked my interest was a description of how many weeks it took them to collect the eggs to make their monstrous wedding cake. In fact old reliable, Lord Byron, asked to postpone the nuptials for some reason or

This is me RN:

I think the assumption is that everyone will have forgotten by now. That's probably mostly true, TBH

I’m sorry, I think this just broke my brain:

I think it's supposed to be just one word. Would you settle for the more succinct Vulgarian?


Ugh. Kinja.

But it's a civil trial, not a criminal trial. There's a lower level of scrutiny, and I'm guessing the end result is a financial payout rather than jail time. Think OJ Simpson: He wasn't convicted in his criminal trial, but he was in the civil trial his wife's family brought.

Thanks for asking. That was the only concern I really had. I can do bloody ghosts and jump shots, but murdered dogs are a problem!