
It’s similar to shaming food stamp recipients for accepting a “handout” while the corporate suits walk away with the vast majority of the welfare.

Pretty much the same sort of thing, only instead of puzzles you fling your balls around.

In regards to Paul Virapen’s quote, I am willing to bet a dozen donuts that there will not be more Apple Watches sold than PS4s by years end

Now he looks like Patton Oswalt’s father. =/

Ironically. All the people getting run over are coming back. It is some of the other characters who lost their voice.

Anything that began “If I was single, I would....”

Mr. Dr. Yoga Nerd MD got really drunk with his friends in like the first month we were dating and texted me something like “I wanna fuck you in high heel black boots”

New characters usually are overpowered.

I’ma be that guy: Weaver.

Whooooaa.... this hammer bro... like, WHOAAAA!

I don’t watch Letterman because I think he’s creepy... But it felt like a mix between Letterman and Conan. Which is sad because Conan is my favorite, but he’s always making those dumb sounds (“awoooga” type stuff) and references to being stuck in his marriage. ugh cringe-inducing

“My pet dog Eva Braun”

Bowser: “That’s.. pretty metal, actually.”

I AM LITERALLY DEAD NOW. This is every fear of mine as a new parent. Thank god that titty still tastes good kid.


The scenery make that booty go UGNH!

If by 3, they mean 6 then no this is accurate.