
I read your comment to say the PC-ifying of gaming as in catering to PC gamers. Lol

What a fucking dork you are, man...Social Justice Avengers. Adjust your hat, neckbeard, and venture forth from thy parent's basement. Breath that fresh air. Take a hit from your asthma inhaler. Now relax because it's just a comic book.

Never forget: Zach de la Rocha could rap (and really, still can)

I live in a timeline where that movie never happened.

ugh, Jersey Boys?? get a new girlfriend

Of course it will release. But i can almost guarantee it will be underwhelming

The narrative is that it was a tsunami, so natural causes. Nuking their cities would have been a total Ghandi move.

What do you think, Sanji?

I support this. Cute girls turning into weapons of mass destruction are always a plus in my book.

Oh man, look at these Favorites from the official Konami Twitter account.

welp there goes my hope of ever getting ZOE 3. brb playing in traffic.


The iPhone 6, and any other smartphone for that matter, is the absolute culmination of the human technological endeavor.

It's hard to remember an anime that was better than the source. The most recent thing that comes to mind is Hunter X Hunter. But not because it was better but because how well it captured the source material. If you haven't read/watched this series yet you're missing out!

But hey it turns you into Vampires

opiliones for a scientific name, but daddy longlegs are what i was taught as well, they are great when they gather like this though its because they get cold and the wind gets to moving them, so they gather into clumps to conserve heat and not get blown away. kind of smart actually, though ive never seen that many in

Just got the weirdest sense of deja vu. Creepy.

This looks like what Bioshock Infinite was going for before you kill that first cop...

I'm just gonna leave this here.

Oh gaming, honey, what happened?