
Reminds me of the camouflage suit Molly Millions wore in Neuromancer. Zillions of microscopic tunable laser diodes linked to zillions of microscopic CCDs and a computer. The computer would project a reasonable approximation of the background the wearer was in front of through the diodes, turning the whole body a

"Look Asian"

So you mean someone from Iran? India? The Philippines? Russia?

All "Asians", dumbass.

Yes, it's racist. Like, super racist. "100%" that "race or culture"? How can you be 100% of any culture, in today's world? ...or race? Everybody's got some mix in them.

By this logic, only Native Americans should be allowed to become Miss America.

At their hearts, JRPGs often skirt the topics of strained friendships, and fancy the stories of small bands fighting against the odds. Tales of Graces F, like Xenoblade, is no different. Yet, my time with Tales of Graces F was much more enjoyable. It’s not that Tales of Graces F has a better story than Xenoblade. In

And without characters and their narratives for me to care about, any beautiful landscape was lost on me.

So this game has a horribly plotted second act?

As I wake, it's kaleidoscopic wang.

Show me, on the Amiibo, where Midas touched you.

Shy? Hah, you underestimate my shyness.

"No, no. There's nothing."

I approve of anything with Nathan Barnatt:

Got the whole Nvidia Family in here. Don't they just look happy-go-lucky? :D

Don't be a celebrity if you cant handle the weird shit.

Miyazaki called. He wants his tree spirits back.

But would Deer eat it? That's all anyone wants to know.