
It is pretty great. It's also derivative...but in the best way possible. Take that kitty above, Rengar. This is his best skin:

As always, I have to laugh heartily at the, "But, but it's CENSORSHIP!" Because a company making rules for it's own private event is totes censorship, yo.

I love hot cream in my mouth in the morning.

Simpso..... I mean - Wonka did it first!

Mmmm asbestos never tasted so good!

SMile while you guys can. I usually grinded for 2 hours before moving on.

As someone who has to see every corner of every room, break every jar, kill every thing before moving on, I want to make it known that I do not sympathize with you.

Now playing

Today, Capcom announced an Attack on Titan game for Japanese arcades. That's about all we know!

Rog taught me that Kill la Kill is the Evangelion of Anime, and that Satsuki is best girl.

That's a weird way of writing Mitsuru.

it works

They just need to translate PS Nova to English. Not much to ask.

Vita PSO game? Translated? Sega?

Anybody else notice every NPC bystanders in this game are eyeless? Really adds to the creepy, otherworldly atmosphere.

Whoa there Kotaku, that's rather brave of you to say Amazonian Warriors is better than Civ 5.

I get that there are people excited by Spidey... but I think maybe I'm good on Spidey for awhile. I feel like, over the last 5 movies, I've gotten a handle on the character (one that I was entirely in the dark about previously), I've got a good sense of what goes into a Spidey origin story- spiderbite, Mary Jane,

Thank god Chrome and Safari have their act together. Opera is a great browser, but too many big name sites leave it out when they code their pages... So as snappy as it is, I just don't use it very often. However, the war between Chrome and Safari (which are nowadays very much the same browser with a different skin).

The face of USELESSNESS.

DRR... DRR... DRR...