
Too OP for OU, not enough OP for Ubers. Much like the frog. It is stuck in the limbo of irrelevance.

Yes right: how dare a studio entirely owned by Nintendo publish games on a Nintendo platform

I remember when I was little my mother said Americans are weird because they don't mind massive amounts of violence but one nipple shows on screen and it's a freak out.

I prefer Vaati for his smooth voice. He sounds like he should actually be in the game. Plus, Vaati is handsome as hell. I'd hit it.

goddammit! i knew someone must've thought of it before i did!

"Stud-free"? So I guess there's no Captain Kirk aboard.

Essentially: nacho cheese isn't real, people.

Yeah because speed runs were never (and still aren't) popular with older games...

I just treat Destiny's plot as a FPS Kingdom Hearts

Yea really dude. It is the initial view of the work. If that description wasn't there you would not even think starting pistol. As an artist your first job is to communicate visually. This artist did not communicate in the slightest that Gaston was a PE Teacher. Most modern starting pistols are very prominently…

these look really forced.

Grabbing quests, hearing randos sputter out their sob stories, calling my omnipresent horse from the ether cloud horse realm in which it assuredly resided—it was a familiar rhythm born of other open-world-ish RPGs like Skyrim and Dragon Age. Each step felt like second nature, for better or worse.

That is basically the same as the Apple logo but more brutally honest

I guess this means the building is moving. Oh well.

I really want this.

I don't think banning it outright is the correct course of action...

Now playing

First thing I thought of when I saw this.