
To be fair... i'm pretty sure every sniper in this pic has his sights pointing at the cam... So who cares if he's behind a rock, if he is open just enough to be able to shoot you while barely being able to be seen, he wins.

oh yeah, forgot abotu the pro controllers haha.

To all complaining about it not being on Wii U... They said they don't want split screen, and I can see why. For this type of game, split screen would suck. Also, it would take away so much fin out of it if the monster is RIGHT there with you, looking at the TV to know where you are. Lastly, as anyone actually played

This... Is so not true. I was luckily able to play the game a few months ago (before announced even) and I have got to say, it is HARD if you don't work as a team. When the monster is level one, sure you can take it down (but hard to find) level two, you need some help, but level three, the monster is almost

This needs to be combined with the Oculus Rift/Crystal Cove....

wait, wait wait.... you're really gonna blame this guy for this performance? LOOK AT HIM! he is clearly reading whatever is on the prompter. most of his stuff is clearly scripted, so it's not actually him, but the sloppy writers of this show.

To be fair the x1 headset is tons better than the ps4 headset lol

It's really bothering me how people are saying "Well atleast the console still works!! unlike the ps4..." SERIOUSLY?! fist of all... i don't know of a single person who had the mindset with, "I can't wait to get my new console so i can buy a digital game!" no... most people still use discs... most people buy Physical

Seriously? you do realized that playing game discs is a HUGE part of a gaming console (since most people buy games discs since they are cheaper usually)

Not sure how a bad Disc drive not grabbing a disc correctly can be a software issue....

it may not KILL the console but renders it useless for gaming (unless you like download title only for some reason).

Atleast the blue light SEEMS like it can be software related... but having a DISC DRIVE be broken day one only proves how premium the hardware is, and shows somethign about its longetivity

yes, but no... Honestly i think the main reason the iPad mini (which i think is the perfect size aswell) Is because Apple got it right with using a 4:3 ration, as opposed to the 16:9 widescreen... I LOVE the feel and size of the Nexus 7, but I hate that i can only really enjoy it in portrait, and landscape only for

I think it looks fine.. remember guys, even thoughb this is being marketed as a console, its really just a desktop, with a desktop OS, with a console friendly theme...

I don't think they are in X and Y...

If you think about it, it makes total sense that this got leaked. Since Ubisoft and Sony threw a last minute wrench into the cogs by delaying Watch Dogs and Drive Club, these ads are essentially useless now (atleast the two pages that may have these). So these are trashed/got thrown out and they need to re-print

Costa Mesa! woot! South Coast (mall where the sony store is) here i come! (after work though... im rather busy today...)

Ditto, played a few games at E3 and was extremely surprised... the xbone controller was the opposite, it was a let down after trying the DS4

when i went to E3, it was actually the opposite. The Xbone controller was REALLY loose, and i love the ps4's controller, current gen, its the other way around. I love the 360, but not so much the ps3 controllers

and you're clearly not tech savvy enough to know that it's not an actually viable solution. So unless you have strong LTE signal everywhere you go, it's not a satisfactory answer

So since no one answered your question.. they should/better. But they won't on their own... I've had this happen with Sprint, and Verizon works similarly. Just make sure you tell them, that's since you aren't gonna use the new line subsidy if you're gonna keep that as an upgrade... they'll be a little lost for