
yes! more to my collection! I have all of the games that were realeased in NA, and even was able to import the Japanese Final Mixes for KH 1 and 2. I'm still missing some of the other final mixes (BBS, and any others that had em) but im hapyp with what i have :)

except, not. I would usually agree with you, but in this instance it actually makes sense. Why? because the story is freakin kinda confusing for the KH series, and this seems like they are trying to get people to play the previous games and understand the story before they finish it with KH 3. They make it easier by

yes, but i think Harrison ford broke out of it... wait, depends broke out of what though haha

extremely well done, but it's a very amateur mistake to still have flicker in there between frames. By now i figured he would have found of a way to get rid of it while shooting (very possible) or even in post (even more easily possible).

agree... the iPad should NOT feel dated and slow with the internals it has... yet it does to me

Well you have a few days for this deal, I think the site got hit hard lol I ordered mine (they charged my card already) but i have yet to receive any email about it, and my account doesn't have any order history (of any purchases i've made, not just this one)

My order went through (I think) but I never got a pick up email, and they took the money out of my card already... but when i go to my account, I have no order history of this or anything i've bought for that matter... so.... yeah.

get over it... He's a comedian, making fun of people, things, and events is his job -_-

oh ok, then yes, i fully agree. most of the time, i like having social integration, but when i don't it just happens to be full of it haha

or you can just... you know, NOT sign into those social accounts... nothing is being forced...

Not when it's affecting the normal gaming industry -_-

we actually use this at the post production house i work at, and it's EXTREMELY helpful and super easy to tweak and work with!

they aren't really hiding it... i read that, if the TV is new enough/supports it, Chromecast can be powered through the HDMI port, but since this is more directed to old tv's without smart apps (ie. no power through HDMI) the external charger is included...

There alo reports that it only comes with the external charger in case the TV is too old to power the device itself through HDMI, so you may not even need the charger

In case nobody knows... on the radio this morning, they looked into it, and apperantly about a year ago (i think, i don't remember the timing, im just guessing) but Spain was actually being cheap and cut some shortcuts in safety with this train route in order to save money, or because they didn't have enough money.

It's sad, but it's worth noting that the XBOne is still running off AA batteries and they will charge extra for a play and charge kit... atleast they ship with two batteries!!.... =/

look at you and your big words... know enough about muscles? then you should already know that at resting point, the thumbs are not in a position where MS has them... also, you may have knowledge of muscular whatever, but you have no knowledge of these controlers other than pictures... if you really are trying to make

it's both, same set up as E3, it serves as a lock and MS propriety charger.

No, it is not. Trust me, i prefer the 360 controller over the ps3, partly for this reason, when i want to move right but look left, my thumbs rub against each other... BUT this is not the case for this new design. They actually REALLY improved the feel of this one, and since the controller is a tad longer and the

i think youre missing the point... i think they meant taking your console with you? just the console, and no need to carry discs aswell... right? cause i agree, while a 20 gb download can be speedy for some, its not that way for all, or most... and annoying, and takes up space... id rather bring a disc