
lmao... same here man, same here...

ah! dammit!!! i typed out an entire two paragraph explanation and what not explaining how time travel *is* possible and it has been proven, but.... i forgot to sign in and the message was lost....

*sigh* so i can either watch the video in a tiny size, or fullscreen? dammit....

@Zubieta: like as if you were in some Christopher Nolan movie...

They are so astounded for breaking down something as the *First* device with four mics? doesnt the PlayStation Eye have four mics? O_o

Am i really the only one who noticed this will be on OSX come October 5th?!?!?! where the heck have i been?!?!?

Jesus Christ, is every one spoiled little critical brats here XD

@yanipheonu: hey!!!..... i knew it would suck..... but for some reason i still wanted to watch it... i'm sorry :'(

@oosiegewolfoo: yeah she tends to blow a lot of people.....

@Jbrist: i've liked them all so far too, but you REALLY have to not compare to the games.... and i agree with wirebrain here about Alice sort of ruining things...

@OmegaArchetype: HAHAHAH XD yeah i have to agree... the girlfriend and i were just like "wtf is going on?..." the entire time, and were both RE fans, so it's not that we didn't get the story, we just didn't like it and we too questioned EVRYTHING haha

@Faxmonkey: i'm pretty sure they meant in a cellphone... even though they weren't clear at all...

@Mohammed Arabiat: *sigh* me thinks you failed to actually "get it" or rather, "get any" for that matter.... ;D

@sethcollie: sometime this week, i think tomorrow... i went yesterday to the store and asked, and thats what he told me, "this week" ....yay....

So....?!?!?!?! DID he Jedi Teleport?!?!?!

Jesus, Halo" Reach is seriously gonna be deep haha...

Damn Title of this article is misleading.... i thought it was a surprise release for tomorrow or something XD oh well... i can dream, right?