
I'm sure the Apple notebooks and the change disc joke was the reason why MGS4 stayed exclusive to PS3 ;)

They should just call them.

I guess they didn't want to bother Yoji Shinkawa for a mere prequel. He was busy working on the watch.

The theme here is the rain-drenched-snake coloring.

I'd love it to but transferring funds to the JP 'Bank' account I have is next to impossible.

Yeah, Amazon Japan only ships Books, Audio CDs & Video DVD/BD's outside.

Why? There are no console bundles here. Just special editions with figures and a watch.


About time for Nintendo to diversify their businesses. Maybe they should open a real NintendoLand.


Now playing

Wait, if this is not coming to PS4, why is of it included in the PS4 Launch reel? (go to 2:25)

Canon-speaking, this makes no sense. It's like having the original Snake having memories of the future and getting inside his clone's mind :P

Having the HDD on the side allowed Sony to fit the PSU underneath. More compact BDD and heatsink were aslo designed to fit tightly (also underneath the motherboard or above if you accepted that the mobo is placed upside down). As per the official specs, the PS4 has a maximum power input of 250w in AC (120V at 2.1A)

Why isn't there a clear shot that clearly shows the depth of the consoles. The PS4 is slightly deeper than XB1 (305mm vs 274mm). The console's slanted design play a role in that. The difference in width is more pronounced (333m for the XB1 vs 275m for the PS4). The PS4 kinda looks weirdly proportioned to me since it

Knock? You need to give the front of the car a good shake and sound your horn before your start the engine just to be safe.

I remember that time, 20 years ago, when a cat's stomach was splayed open inside my father's Cressida's engine bay. It took an hour just to wrestle the cadaver out of the engine's grasp.... :/

They should have let Yashuhiro Ootori which handled the PS4 dissecting video do the unboxing.

It's like opening a suitcase full of moolah!

Game consoles are not hardware-centric anymore. The software they run on and the network services they access matter as much, if not more.

Yeah, there might be tons of PS4s and XB1s sitting in warehouses right now waiting for the day they are set free into the comfort of someone's home but the PSNs and XBLs they will

Looks like MS has managed to beat Sony to the next-gen market (not being able to download any games for it kinda beat the purpose, though) ;)

I bet Live is live so that MS employees can use their XB1's to test for bugs. I wonder where all these ratings have come from, however. I mean, it's not like Dead Rising 3 have